
The Birthday Party: Your First Warning

Lordy (Jesus as depicted by Boris Vallejo), Lordy (Lord Darth Vader), Look Who’s 40! (Joey deVilla)

Keep Saturday, November 3rd open!

One reply on “The Birthday Party: Your First Warning”

[…] In anticipation of turning 40 early next month, I’ve been going through my wardrobe, looking for things that I should cart off to Goodwill and considering additions that would be suitable for this next phase in my life. With the U.S. and Canadian dollars so close in value, I should take advantage of my upcoming trip to Boston for American Thanksgiving and get some deals at Filene’s Basement — I think half my wardrobe comes from there now — and pick up a new blazer for work, and maybe a suit vest if they’ve got any in stock. […]

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