
My Notes from FacebookCamp Toronto 2

FacebookCamp Toronto 2 logo

Yesterday, FacebookCamp Toronto 2, the second gathering of Toronto developers interested in developing applications for the Facebook platform, took place.

Where the last FacebookCamp focused on the details of programming to the Facebook API, this one was about promoting and making money from your applications. Once again, Facebook flew a representative to Toronto for the event — this time, it was Ami Vora, Facebook’s lead of Platform Product Marketing, who gave a presentation on best practices for application developers. Also presenting:

  • FacebookCamp Toronto brain trust guys Roy Pereira, Colin Smillie and Andrew Cherwenka with the introductory presentation
  • Janice Diner and Michael Scissons on Building an App for Your Brand
  • Roy Pereira on Marketing Your Application Inside Facebook
  • Jesse Hirsch on Analyzing the Top Applications
  • Greg Thomson on Monetizing your Facebook Application
  • Steve Pritchard on Secrets of PayPal interface used by Gift Cards Facebook Application

I took notes and posted them to Global Nerdy, my tech blog as well as the Tucows Developer Blog.

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