
That 70’s Dollar

That 70s Dollar

As of this writing, the exchange rate between the Canadian and U.S. dollar, according to, is:

1.00 CAD = 0.998511 USD

This could make trade with the U.S., our largest trading partner (as we are theirs) a little more difficult, but on the personal scale, it’s good — I’ve got a handful of trips down south scheduled in the next couple of months. Why, oh why wasn’t it this way from 1999 through 2002, when I was flying to the U.S. at least once a month and my bank account was getting beaten up on the exchange?

The last time our currencies were at par was back during the Ford and Trudeau administrations, back when I was a still a landed immigrant and Wings’ Silly Love Songs was the song on the Billboard Top 100 for that year.

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2 replies on “That 70’s Dollar”

Now if only the retail supply chain can adjust rapidly enough to do something about the enormous cost difference between big-ticket goods purchased down south, and identical goods purchased here.

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