
I’m Back…

…and I’m getting a few things set up here on a new server. It’ll be a day or two before I load all the articles and images back into the blog. Until then, things are going to be a bit sparse until then.

My thanks to John Keegan and the fine folks at PressHarbor for giving me a new won’t-flake-out home for the blog!

6 replies on “I’m Back…”

A flake proof home is good.

My old blog was on a unit that someone accidentally formatted without realizing that it was an active server.

The world hates me sometimes.

Hey Joey D! How’s life? I moved over to PressHarbor, too… still working on the learning curve. Look for me there and on Twitter as PurpleCar (of course). Nice to see you! -PC

Hey AG! I had the page for the build your own sesame street yup yup aliens bookmarked , but I see it is gone….any chance of it coming back before October??


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