It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

The “Hemp on Wheels” Truck

While wandering around High Park on Monday — which was a holiday, thanks to the Canada Day long weekend — the Ginger Ninja and I stumbled across the “Hemp on Wheels” truck, pictured below.

Photo: The “Hemp of Wheels” truck on Bloor Street near High Park

Most stores that specialize in hemp products try to downplay the toking aspects of hemp and focus on the fact that it’s a pretty versatile plant that has a lot of non-drug-related uses, such as being a basis of a very durable kind of cloth. These guys just skip the pretense entirely. I didn’t see any hemp-based clothing or bags, but I did see an excellent collection of pipes and bongs, as well as a lot of pretty decent rock paraphernalia. The proprietor was a very friendly greybeard, but that’s too be expected — grouchy head shop owners don’t stay in the business very long.

I asked him if I could take a photo of his licence plate for the blog, and he said “Sure, maaaaan, take as many pictures as you like!”, so here it is…

“HEMP ONE” licence plate on the back of the “Hemp on Wheels” truck

For the curious, Hemp on Wheels has a website at

2 replies on “The “Hemp on Wheels” Truck”

The Hemp truck has been visiting my neighbourhood for a few years now. Opposite the 7-11 at Jane & Wilson.

His name’s bob…been going to him for years for my supplies. greats deals on his bongs too. bought my first one off of him.

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