Click the photo to see the article in the Toronto Star.
Click here to read my account of the wedding.
Today’s Toronto Star has a story about Julie’s and Amanda’s wedding. I should run over to the corner store and pick up a few copies for the ol’ scrapbook (and to send to Julie and Amanda, of course!).
For the Star readers who came here, my story about the wedding is here.
4 replies on ““Can I Get a Witness?” (or: The Toronto Star’s Story on Julie and Amanda’s Wedding)”
…. talk about an item for the memory box!
You’re a media superstar, eh? I just read the Globe article about your marriage…you need to get in the Sun and Post to complete the unprecedented (for amateur accordion players) quad.
My parents would be so proud of me as a ‘law student’ ;] If only, Toronto Star!
I just caught up with this post. So the Toronto Star has referred to you in print as a “man about town”! That is so incredibly cool.
I’m going to start referring to you as Joey deVilla, M.A.T.