It Happened to Me

Photos from Julie’s and Amanda’s Wedding

Since work’s been keeping me busy and since the story about Julie’s and Amanda’s wedding has given everybody on the Internet a serious case of the warm fuzzies (including Craig “Craigslist” Newmark and Amanda’s dad), I’m not going to post much today. Besides, I think it would be nice to have their story high up on the front page for another day.

What I will post is a link to the Flickr set of photos from the wedding. They’re larger than the ones in the blog entry:

Julie’s and Amanda’s wedding Flickr set.
Click to visit the page for the Flickr set.

Julie and Amanda, if you’re reading this, I have the full-size photos and will send ’em your way!

2 replies on “Photos from Julie’s and Amanda’s Wedding”

Dear Joey –

My name’s Conor Corcoran, and I’m an attorney in Philadelphia.

For years, I have been looking for a gay couple who have been unable to obtain a marriage license in Philadelphia, and who would be willing to participate in a civil rights lawsuit to change the marriage laws in Pennsylvania.

I am offering my services pro bono. It’s an important issue. I’ve long believed that it should be civil unions for everyone, as opposed to marriage for some, and I’m looking for some help in that regard.

At the risk of remarkable presumption, would you mind passing my information to your friends? Please feel free to contact me as well.

Best wishes (and thanks),
Conor Corcoran

1617 JFK Blvd, Suite 1130
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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