It Happened to Me

The "Bye Bye Boobies" Party

On Saturday, Wendy and I attended our friend C.’s “Bye Bye Boobies” party, an event to celebrate her upcoming breast reduction surgery (which takes place today).

The party featured a lot of breast-themed food presented in a lovely spread, pictured below:

The spread of boob-themed food.

Among the items were this lovely chocolate boob cake:

Chocolate boob cake

…and this bodacious lemon boob cake:

Lemon boob cake.

…and, of course, melon bowls:

Melon bowls.

Wendy and I wanted to contribute, so we used our ice cream maker to prepare some appropriately saucy flavours. Before heading to the party, I took out a Sharpie marker and whipped out some signs for the ice cream. When this computer fad blows over, I could go into the sign making business for ice cream shops and coffeehouses.

Here’s the sign for the first flavour: “Plain” Jayne Mansfield, better known as vanilla:

Sign for the 'Plain Jayne Mansfield' (a.k.a. vanilla) ice cream.

The next flavour was made with one very ripe canteloupe: Melons sorbet:

Sign for the Melons sorbet.

Here’s the one for the ice cream with a banana base (Wendy pureed two very ripe bananas into the standard ice cream mix) and chocolate chips made from a chopped up fancy-pant high cocoa content bar — Touch My Monkey:

Sign for the Touch My Monkey ice cream.

And finally, here’s the sign for the Oreo Cheesecake ice cream. It had 10 smashed-up Oreo cookies in it, and the base contained cream cheese, sour cream and the juice of a lemon, which gave it a distinct cheesecake flavour. You probably shouldn’t have this fat-licious flavour too often.

Sign for the Oreo Cheesecake ice cream.

Our thanks to C. for throwing a great party, and best of luck with the surgery!

4 replies on “The "Bye Bye Boobies" Party”

Those drawings remind me of your cartoons in the Journal and GW back at CGNU. (Me?)

I plan to get back into the ol’ cartooning thing. The first step is to pick up a scanner…

I can vouch for the use of pen, paper and scanners by 85% of current GW staff; not in the new millenium quite yet. Plus, I think our tablet was stolen.

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