
Ten Things to Watch For in Tonight’s Republican Candidate Debate

Ronald Reagan: Invisible Running Mate.

“Aleupp”, whom I know by way of Miss Fipi Lele, says that he’ll be watching for these 10 things during tonight’s Republican Candidate Debate

  1. Whether Duncan Hunter can out-anti-immigrant Tom Tancredo.
  2. If anyone brings up Giuliani’s cross-dressing stunts, or his 3 marriages, or his ties to questionable figures in NYC.
  3. How often Reagan’s salad is posthumously tossed.
  4. How many of the 10 guys proclaim to be “the real conservative in the race”.
  5. Whether John Cox will get a turn to speak.
  6. Whether anyone will care if he does.
  7. How often Sam Brownback brings up Jesus.
  8. Just HOW TRAITOROUS are those Democrats?
  9. If they actually let Schwarzenegger in.
  10. How funny Ron Paul actually is.

Drinking game, anyone?

One reply on “Ten Things to Watch For in Tonight’s Republican Candidate Debate”

John Cox wasn’t even invited to the debate. Could be because he has yet to break the .0001% polling barrier, or that he hasn’t yet raised more than $13,000 in his already 18-month-old campaign.

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