
New Kid in Town

Gabriel's crib is ready and waiting!
Actual crib soon to be occupied by Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K.

I just heard that Deenster gave birth to a healthy 8-pound baby boy. Rumour has it that his name is Gabriel, but until I hear actual confirmation, I shall assume that his name is Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K.

Congrats to the Deenster and Kiff, and welcome to the world, Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K!

2 replies on “New Kid in Town”

AH! AH! I had to scroll down and I thought there might be a wee squeezebox on the way.

Don’t do that to me before my coffee!

P.S. I like the “Icy” part of the name.

–Ice Queen

My question is: now that more than three years have passed since the original “Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K” has been born, have the parents come to regret that choice in name?

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