
Merry Frakkin’ Christmas!

[via Making Light] Take Santa Claus and cover him in the style of the introduction to the new Battlestar Galactica series and you get this…

By the bye, I am incredibly behind on my Battlestar Galactica viewing. “How far behind?” you might ask, to which I would answer “Well, I saw all of season one, and that’s about it.” Luckily, I’m on holiday this Friday and don’t go back to work until Tuesday, January 2nd.

2 replies on “Merry Frakkin’ Christmas!”

Thanks for this!

I’m a BSG addict, and I have to tell you it’s getting good…a season and a half of catching up is the best Xmas candy ever. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast to get the commentaries, and watch them twice. It’s the sweet filing inside the candy shell.

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