Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

newmindspace’s "Jingle Bell Rock" Event, Tonight @ Union Station

Ad for newmindspace's 'Jingle Bell Rock' event, Friday, December 15th at 9:09 p.m., upper floor of Union Station, Toronto.

I’ve already got plans for this evening, but in case you haven’t got any and you like flash mob-ish events, local flash mob-esque event planners newmindspace are planning an event that takes place tonight at 9:09 p.m. on the upper floor of Union Station.

The event, in a nutshell:

  • Bring some kind of personal music player or music-making instrument or device that can output to headphones
  • Gather at Union Station’s upper floor
  • At 9:09 p.m., press “play” on your device, and dance to your headphone music — no blasting music out loud, just on your headphones.
  • The rules: Don’t disrupt the trains service and leave no trace!

If I were free, I’d bring my keytar and rock out.

One reply on “newmindspace’s "Jingle Bell Rock" Event, Tonight @ Union Station”

It would make me very happy if the phrase “Jingle Bell Rock” came to refer only to an event like this, replacing the vapid song of that name that approaches the antithesis of rock.

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