Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Blogstravaganza Tonight!

Blogstravaganza: Friday, December 8th at 8 p.m.

It’s finally here: Blogstravaganza — the gathering of the Toronto-and-area bloggers, blog readers and curious onlookers — takes place tonight!

Once again, the details:

Where: Fiddler’s Green, an Irish-style pub at 27 Wellesley Street (on the south side, just east of Yonge, across the street from the subway station). We’ll be on the second floor.
When: Starting around 8 p.m.. My co-organizer Bob Tarantino will be there much earlier. He’ll be the guy talking incessantly about the publishing industry.
Who’s invited If you write or read blogs, or are just curious as to who’s posting pictures of their cat and entries about the cheese sandwich they had for lunch, you’re invited!

If you’re doing Christmas shopping in the downtown area, Blogstravaganza will be a great place to relax afterwards.

Blogstravaganza is organized by:

For more details, see:

2 replies on “Blogstravaganza Tonight!”

Crap. I meant to go and of course haven’t had time to check blogs all week, so I forgot. I’ve gotta free myself up more often.

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