It Happened to Me

A Graduation Present for Andy?

I don’t have to worry about it for a couple of years, but when my brother-in-law (a.k.a. “brother from another mother”) Andy graduates from law school, I might give him one of these to hang in his office:

Framed poster: 'It's okay to lie. I'm a lawyer.'

It’s a poster by Todd Goldman, whose works you might have seen before — he’s the “Boys are stupid – throws rocks at them!” artist. I took the photo outside an art shop at the Fashion Show Mall in Vegas.

2 replies on “A Graduation Present for Andy?”

Sorry to be a spoil sport, but you may want to do a keyword search of “Todd Goldman” before you drop your hard earned cash on any of his work…there’s a big bunch of poo flying around the Internet about his copying other artists (including the character for ‘boys are stupid). Sadly, for Todd, there’s a ton of proof as well.

Yeah, I’ve read about him, but never gave any thought to adding an appendix to the entry about his plagiarism. Perhaps I should.

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