
Which Way to the Restrooms?

Continuing the theme of “Weird Things in Asia”, here are some directions to the washrooms:

Thanks again to Miss Fipi Lele, a never-ending source of photos!

3 replies on “Which Way to the Restrooms?”

That is hysterical Joey! I wonder if it is a direct translation of comprehensible directions of the original sign. I think more “follow your ass backwards” signs are needed on this continent…For some directionally challenge people, they would help a lot!

The Asians always incorrectly translate the meaning into English and many times spell it wrong too. They need to hire someone who knows their English well, the problem is that they hire people who know English, but is Asian-style English meaning, they translate word by word, not by the phrase itself. I think this needs to change, otherwise native English speaking people will be turned off by this, it shows that the Asians do not have a good respect for the English language.

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