Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Blogstravaganza, Friday, December 8th

It’s been decided that Accordion City needed another gathering of its blogger populace, so yet another Blogstravaganza has been declared for Friday, December 8th at Fiddler’s Green (right by Wellesley Station), starting at about eight-ish. The responsibility for herding various categories of bloggers has been divided among three people:

  • Bob Tarantino to gather the right-of-centre bloggers: a pasty, embittered bunch,
  • Jason Cherniak to summon the left-of-centre bloggers: a motley, disillusioned rabble,
  • and Yours Truly, to bring forth the Hipster Nerds, the creators and rightful inheritors of the future.

I wrote about the last Blogstravaganza in this entry, where I also link to various attendees’ blog entries on the topic. This one promises to be entertaining, and I’m likely to do a couple of accordion karaoke numbers in the downstairs bar at some point.

More updates as the date draws closer!

3 replies on “Blogstravaganza, Friday, December 8th”

hipster nerds? oh dear where does a fashion blogger fit? I’m a bit curious but a little shy of the political bloggers =)

Danielle, speaking as one of a group of tech bloggers who like to dress up (the DemoCamp brain trust seems to like wearing dress shirts and blazers) and as a guy who carries a 30-pound fashion accessory around, I think you qualify as a hipster nerd. You should come!

Can’t wait. Hope you got some new tunes to entertain us.

In the meantime, I’ll have to get back to blogging if I’m to call myself a blogger.

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