
My "Ajax Experience" Itinerary

From Sunday afternoon until Wednesday night, I’ll be reporting from The Ajax Experience in Boston, the premier gathering of developers interested in building Ajax-ified web applications.

Take a look at the conference schedule. Content-wise, it’s pretty meaty (six tracks!) and seems to offer something for Ajax developers of all levels. It’s also pretty intense, with Monday’s and Tuesday’s sessions running until 6:45 and evening panel discussions running until 9 p.m.. I don’t think I’ve seen a schedule this hardcore since RailsConf back in June.

Over the next couple of days, I’ll be posting my general impressions and detailed notes and photos from the sessions I attend. I’ll also be incorporating my notes into an internal training session at Tucows.

I have to tip my hat to Brent Ashley, local developer and longtime friend of Tucows. He’s a presenter at the conference and as such, was entitled to two freebie passes, one of which he gave to me. He’ll be doing a talk on alternate transport mechanisms, which I will attend.

Take a look over at the Tucows Blog to see what sessions I’m thinking of attending. If you’re a programmer and have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments!

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