It Happened to Me

When Life Gives You a Deadbeat Ex-Housemate, Make Deadbeat Ex-Housemate-ade. Or Something Like That.

About a half hour ago, the phone rang…

Phone voice: Hi, I’m calling from CityTV. We’d like to interview you for a news piece tonight about Googlebombing.

Me: (Uncontrollable fit of laughter)

Phone voice: I see I’ve reached the right person.

It looks as though they’d seen my A Special Message to My Deadbeat Ex-Housemate entry, in which I started to Googlebomb my deadbeat ex-housemate. They’re coming to the office to shoot the piece, and I believe it’ll air tonight.

4 replies on “When Life Gives You a Deadbeat Ex-Housemate, Make Deadbeat Ex-Housemate-ade. Or Something Like That.”

HAHA – revenge is sweet. Especially when you get media coverage for it!

Can I hire you to get the money my ex-housemate owes me? Sort of like a bounty-hunter kind of thing?

Breakfast Television was running a typical media scare-mongering promo this morning (“We’ll tell you about the online trend that can ruin your reputation — Googlebombing! Tonight at 6”), so I am led to believe it will be aired tonight.

Hey Joey, saw the Googlebombing piece last night on CityTV. Excellent work. Interesting that some companies work so hard to increase their google ranks and stuff like this rockets to the top. Woohoo!

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