Geek It Happened to Me

Today on "Global Nerdy"

George Scriban and Joey deVilla
George was the Best Man at my wedding; this is us at my wedding rehearsal dinner.

Pictured above is the writing team at the new techie blog Global Nerdy. On the left is my buddy George Scriban, whom I met back at Crazy Go Nuts University. He’s a research director at a New York-based private think tank serving senior technology executives from the Global 200. The handsome dude on the right is Yours Truly, and I’m Technical Evangelist for Tucows, a Toronto-based supplier of Internet services and download libraries with a global distribution network of 6,000 service providers.

Together, we write a techie blog with both our perspectives , with George as the “top-down” enterprise computing guy and me as the “bottom-up” web developer, and I think the combination will be a potent one. Go check it out at!

Articles on Global Nerdy thus far:

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