
Question of the Day

Time magazine asks: Does God want you to be rich?

Time magazine cover: 'Does God Want You to be Rich?'

I wonder how the preachers at the megachurches would interpret Jesus’ “eye of a needle” comparison from Matthew 19:24.

6 replies on “Question of the Day”

Jesus would get tossed out of church today. Too “liberal”! Plus, that beard makes him look like a terrorist…

I can’t think of a better response than what Dorothy Parker said: “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”

I tend to think that Christ’s statement means that you aren’t to worship money above him – I also take that to mean that if God gives you the blessings and rewards of a lot of wealth in this life, it means you should be doing something with it to benefit the Lord. There’s a parable Jesus told in which talents were given out to three different people that seems fairly appropriate here…

I asked the same question u asked. So I wish to share my answer I found at this church i’m attending: God is good and just. He gave a lost people a way back, thru Christ, which means more than all the earthly treasures in the world. A loving God of course wants us to be rich in all ways. The eye of the needle refers to the doomed prospect of man, the impossibility of man to enter Heaven by his own power. Following the story of the rich man who couldn’t bear to part with his money to follow Christ, Christ added (while man is hopelessly unable to help himself back to the Glory at Eden, due to lust of money and earthly possessions) WITH GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE (for Christ had cometh and in Him a greater glory in which we can receive to be close to God our Father. And believing in Christ today doesn’t require anyone to give up their wealth. All it takes is belief in Christ.) This is what my pastor taught us. The eye of the camel isn’t an evidence that money/abundance is ungodly. The love of money is ungodly. And in addition, the provision of the Lord is far richer and amazing than the dollars and cents which men has no way of bringing along to his graves. You dun have to take it at face value. My email is should u have more questions, doubts or pointers to share. I think I can learn a lot from you as well, seeing the content and ur thoughts on ur blog! God bless, P.W.

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