
The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen

DVD cover for the movie 'Shallow Grave'.

Over at, there’s an article titled The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen, a list of movies that never got the audience they deserved. I’ve seen only two from the list: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and the deliciously vicious 1994 film Shallow Grave, featuring a pre-Trainspotting Ewan McGregor.

7 replies on “The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen”

This movie sounds like it could be a fun thriller to watch. I hope I can remember the name of it the next time I’m renting.

I liked Stander. Bought it on DVD for cheap.

Often DVD sales can bring a theatrical failure to financial success. Donnie Darko is an example that comes to mind. Also direct to video used to represent sub standard crap.

That’s changed.

Publicity campaigns for a theatrical release can represent a huge percentage of the films total budget.

Often, the opening weekend in theaters merely sets the level of DVD production later.


Go find a copy of the book “Never Coming to a Theater Near You” and then netflix your way through its interesting listings of other films you probably missed but should have seen…

Shallow Grave is definitly an awesome movie — the hammer scene makes it worth watching. But Rosencrantz & Guildenstern? Dear god. I had to suffer through that one in Grade 12 english class…painful movie. Not at all funny.

One of my all time favourite movie-you’ve-never-heard-of films is Primer ( You’ll have to hit up a Queen Video or After Dark for this one. But it’s well worth the journey. Crazy good time travel movie.

But Rosencrantz & Guildenstern? Dear god. I had to suffer through that one in Grade 12 english class…painful movie. Not at all funny.
Yeah, that movie is unbearable. I’m boycotting Tim Roth for life.

I quite agree with this post; if you haven’t seen SHALLOW GRAVE then definitely add it to your list. Full of dark humour and suspense. Fantastic, twisted ending too! (and it doesn’t hurt that the actors are nice to look at)

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