
The Ronald McHummer Sign-O-Matic

[via Seth Godin’s blog] The Ronald McHummer Sign-O-Matic site is more than just a sign generator in the same vein as the Colbert Report “On Notice Board” Generator, the Church Sign Generator or the Tombstone Generator. There’s also a cause behind it:

This month McDonald’s is giving away toy Hummers — 42 million of them, in eight models and colors — with every Happy Meal or Mighty Kids Meal. That’s right: The fast-food chain that helped make our kids the fattest on Earth is now selling future car buyers on the fun of driving a supersized, smog-spewing, gas-guzzling SUV originally built for the military. Use the Ronald McHummer Sign-O-Matic™ to tell us what you think of this misguided marriage of two icons of American excess.

Here’s my current favourite:

Ronald McHummer generated sign: 'Free Hummer with Happy Meal. What's so funny?'.

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