It Happened to Me

The Cleaned-Up Blogroll

Still Under Construction

If this blog currently looks half-done, that’s because it is. I’m generally pleased with the look of the content section — that’s the middle column — but the sidebars need a lot of work, and that temporary title graphic has got to go. Work and life have conspired to keep me busy as usual, but my inner Japanese engineer keeps looking at the blog and yelling “Kansei!” and “Kaizen!” and won’t let me rest until this thing looks just right.

Accurate and Up-to-Date

I just completed the clean-up task that involved the most drudgery: the cleaning up of my blogroll, the list that appears in the right-hand column. I’ve gone through every blog in that list and for each one, I checked to see:

  • That the blog still exists
  • The the blog is still being maintained (I treat having at least one new entry in the past 12 months and not having announced that it is shutting down as “being maintained”)
  • That a link to this blog exists in a permanent list on that blog

Any blog that met all three criteria stayed on the blogroll and any blog that didn’t was removed. I also added a few new blogs that met the criteria. As of this writing, the blogroll is up-to-date.

“He’s Vewwy Highwy Wanked in Wome, You Know.”

A Roman centurion, Pontius Pilate and Biggus Dickus from 'Life of Brian'.

If you’ve got a blog that meets the criteria listed above, let me know! Having your blog appear in my blogroll is good for your Google ranking. This blog has a Google PageRank of 7. For comparison,

Google’s algorithm gives your page a higher ranking when people with good PageRank link to you, so if you’d like to give your blog a boost, link to me and let me know about it!

33 replies on “The Cleaned-Up Blogroll”

Would it be possible for you to change the link to my blog? It has moved from /blog/ to the root of my website.

Soon-ish. This blog used to be entirely table-based (as are the default templates for Blogware blogs), but with a lot of work, I’ve gotten the columnar layout expressed in CSS. There are a couple of tables left, and they’ll eventually go.

As for the CAPTCHA, that’s built into Blogware’s comments. Annoying as is it, they’ve reduced my comment spam from dozens a day to nothing.

I have had your blog on my list of blogs I enjoy for quite sometime . I confess that I dont have a clue about linking to another blog so for that reason I am guilty of not linking to yours or anyone elses.

hi, i’m from the philippines and i link to your blog. mine’s at
i’m a law student but i’m not hopelessly steeped in the dark side just yet. after all, i used to be a programmer 🙂

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