
Declaration of Independence

Gideon Strauss points to an inspiring video put out by Pamela “Escape from Cubicle Nation” Slim, which is a call to become independent, start your own business and work for yourself. It’s a slicker version of Nathaniel Talbott’s presentation, Homesteading: A Thriver’s Guide, but the message is the same: work for yourself.

Even if working for yourself is not in your plans (I’ve done it before, it isn’t for me right now, but it may be someday), the video is worth watching, even if only to inspire yourself to great great presentations. I’ve included a few stills from the video below — click any of them to watch the video.

Still from Pamela Slim's movie, 'A Declaration of Independence'.

Still from Pamela Slim's movie, 'A Declaration of Independence'.

Still from Pamela Slim's movie, 'A Declaration of Independence'.

Still from Pamela Slim's movie, 'A Declaration of Independence'.

Still from Pamela Slim's movie, 'A Declaration of Independence'.

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