
Java Programmers: The Erotic Fanfic Furries of Programming?

The Geek Hierarchy

As a reader of this blog, it’s likely that you tend to visit a number of nerd-oriented sites and have seen the Geek Hierarchy chart created by Lore Sjöberg on the Brunching Shuttlecocks site. Pictured below is the abridged version:

'Abridged Geek Hierarchy' by Lore Sjoberg.

(Don’t know what a furry is? What, didn’t you see the CSI episode, Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas? Here’s the Wikipedia entry for “furry”.)

Star Trek-Based Furries

You might snicker at the concept of Star Trek furries, but believe me, they do exist. In fact, there’s a site devoted to stories that take place in a universe where furry versions of both Star Trek and Star Wars mileus co-exist called TrekWars: The Furry Conflict. Here’s a quick sampling of the Trek-based characters:

Series of three images of a brown female squirrel, with two of her in a late-era Deep Space Nine uniform, one in a coconut bra playing maracas.
Ensign Brett Walick.

Brown muscular male fox in a gold uniform from the original Star Trek era pointing a phaser.
Captain Marc Xavier.

Blue female rabbit in a tight-fitting blue uniform from the original Star Trek era holding a tricorder.
Lieutenant Commander Cyber Tiberius Hare (really!).

The Programming Language Hierarchy

Luke Welling has crafted his own hierarchy chart, The Programmer Hierarchy, which seems to pretty accurately display the opinions of the language pundits these days:

Luke Welling's 'Programmer Hierarchy' chart.

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