
An "Iron Man" Movie?

In recent years, they’ve made movies of various Marvel Comics superheroes: Spider-Man, the X-Men, Daredevil, Elektra, the Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four and Ghost Rider (am I missing any?). But there’s one who’s been waiting in the wings for some time: the superhero for hard-drinkin’ engineers, Iron Man!

Now he’s getting a movie, as this teaser poster indicates:

Teaser poster for 'Iron Man' movie.

The movie’s director, Jon “Swingers” Favreau, has started a MySpace group in which fans can discuss the movie and tell him what they’d like to see. Personally, I’d like to see me as the bad guy: Iron Man’s arch-enemy, The Mandarin! Except instead of ten rings with ten powers:

  • Left Pinkie — “Ice Blast,” with which he could encase foes in bands of ice or create walls of ice to block pursuers.
  • Left Ring Finger — “Mento-Intensifier,” which amplifies the Mandarin’s own mental energies and allows him to control the minds of others.
  • Left Middle Finger — “Electro Blast,” unleashing powerful lightning-like bolts.
  • Left Index Finger — “Flame Blast,” a flamethrower-like gout of flame.
  • Left Thumb — “White Light,” a laser-like beam.
  • Right Thumb — “Matter Rearranger,” which can rearrange the atoms and molecules of a substance. The Mandarin usually uses this ring to change the shape of objects, such as causing a giant stone hand to erupt out of the earth and grapple a foe. He has, however, used it to transmute the molecular composition of objects, such as changing the air around a target into a poisonous gas.
  • Right Index Finger — “Impact Beam,” a blast of concussive or gravitational force.
  • Right Middle Finger — “Vortex Beam,” allows Mandarin to control air and wind, allowing him to fly.
  • Right Ring Finger — “Disintegration Beam.” Unlike the others, this Ring requires a twenty minute recharge time between firings.
  • Right Pinkie — “Black Light,” which can create areas of absolute blackness.

…I’d just use ten accordion buttons.

Big thanks to RoninKengo for pointing out this poster!

5 replies on “An "Iron Man" Movie?”

Blade and Punisher, too.
If I recall correctly, Blade was the first decent superhero movie since Batman Returns.

Alright! Wonder how rich he will be this go round? And the whole weapons manufacturer angle, will that sit well in these days and times?

Thanks for the link Joey. You’re “hard drinking” line just proves your Iron Fandom 😉 I’m just glad to see that Orson Scott Card is no longer associated to the project. I loved Ender’s Game and all but Card would not have done old shell head justice. Marvel is tracking well in developing their properties to the big screen it seems one out of three movies turns out OK. Unfortunately that has more to do with technology lulling us into believing its good because the effects are so darn cool.

Hey if a Filipino guy can plan the “mandarin” do you think I have a shot at playing James Rupert Rhodes!? I got the first name part down pat! 😉

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