Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

DemoCamp 8: Tuesday, July 25th at No Regrets

Toronto Democamp logo.

We apologize for the short notice, but we’d like to announce the next DemoCamp, which will happen next Tuesday, June 25th at No Regrets (42 Mowat Avenue, not far from King and Dufferin).

As of this writing, the scheduled presentations are:

  1. WildApricot – Web-based software that automates daily administrative routines for associations and non-profits.
  2. Slot Available – Got a demo? We’ve got one spot available!
  3. Filemobile – Power tools for bloggers, letting users videoblog and moblog with ease.
  4. Languify A not-yet-released tool from the Nuvvo team & Nicolaas Handojo to manage translating your user interface to new languages.
  5. Pursudo – A project by the people at Unspace that helps you meet cool people to do interesting things.

Presentations will start at 6:30 and run until about 8:30, after which the social part of the evening will commence. No Regrets has got some great food, drink and free WiFi, so plan to make an evening of it!

For more information, see the DemoCamp 8 page.

One reply on “DemoCamp 8: Tuesday, July 25th at No Regrets”

Do you really mean Tuesday, June 25th? That’s hardly short notice, since the next one isn’t until 2013…
–Pedantic Bob.

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