
An Introduction to Network Neutrality

If you’re still not up to speed on the “network neutrality” debate about the internet, and you’re not a hard-core techie, you can still find out what’s going on without being subjected to too much technobabble. A good starting point is a Washington Post piece titled The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet, but an easier-on-the-eyes one is this comic by Jen Sorensen at Slowpoke Comics, titled Web of Deception:

'Slowpoke' comic titled 'Web of Deception'.

2 replies on “An Introduction to Network Neutrality”

Trust nobody but especially don’t trust nanny staters who use sophistry to cloak their dark desires to dictate with simplistic terminology. If you ask me to side with the telco in favor of less government regulation versus the nanny statists favoring “network neutrality” I say let’s side with the telcos. The opposition to NN at least isn’t ashamed that they are advocating for a free market. The proponents of more government regulation have to name their proposal NN because the public wouldn’t support a National Internet Peering Arbitration Board and Regulatory Authority Bill. Look at the FCC proposing access charges on VOIP. If that isn’t an example proving that the government is not and never will be competent to regulate anything but itself I don’t know what is. Hands off my packets!

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