Yahoo! Answers is one of those sites where you can post a question and other users will provide their own answers. I’m aware of two celebrities who have currently active questions:
- Bono: What can we do to make poverty history?
- Dr. Stephen Hawking: How can the human race survive the next hundred years?
The prize for “Answer of the Day” may have to go to a troll going by the name of crazy s who replied to Bono’s question with:
Hey you all. DOnt you feel privileged being here? First comes Al Gore and then Bill Clinton and now Bono is asking a question. These people are millionaires being paid by all of us from our tax dollars to do their job. If we are going to answer the questions and they implement them, look who is the beneficiary. We became a little more poor sitting here for free giving away our ideas and they earn millions. Strange but true. THis is the business to be in. One more poor person speaks out.
Somehow, I don’t think a half-baked idea posted on the internet in response to a question is worth charging money. If that were the case, at nearly 5000 entries on this blog alone, I should be lighting cigars with flaming $100 bills and eating lobsters stuffed with tacos every night. [75K MP3]