
It’s Not a Flamewar! It’s an Exchange of Blog Entries That Do 3d6 Fire Damage!

(I couldn’t resist making a Dungeons and Dragons joke in the title.)

We haven’t sparred in quite some time, so her response to my response to her “Food Allergies are a Character Flaw” post feels like old times. Welcome back to the Monkey Knife Fight, Kathy!

(She needed a distraction from The Da Vinci Code, anyway.)

I’m not the only one to comment on Kathy’s entry: there’s also a response over at A Crafty Madness titled When waging war against assholes, it’s important not to become an asshole. It opens with:

Excuse my blunt language, but I am seeing a disturbing, though perhaps inevitable, trend filtering into the blogosphere (insert the usual god-I-hate-that-word disclaimer). It is this: in the various scrims brought about by the “clash of ideas” over current events, people are taking the opportunity to let their jerk flag fly.

Alas, this exchange probably isn’t enough to land me the cover story of Internet Tough Guy Magazine

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