Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Rails Pub Night Tonight!

Tonight, the second monthly Rails Pub Night gathering will take place. These nights, organized by Pete Forde and the gang at the web development company Unspace, are meant to stimulate a healthy Rails developer community here in Accordion City by bringing together people who work with Rails, who dabble in it, who hope to dabble in it and who are wondering what the hell all the fuss about Ruby on Rails is.

I was just getting over a mild bout of the flu at the last meeting and wasn’t operating on all four bits, which meant that I brought neither the accordion nor some Tucows squishy cows. This time, it shall be quite different: both accordion and a bag full of squishy cows shall accompany me! I’ll give away cows on a first-come first-serve basis: the earlier you show up, the more likely I’ll be able to give you one. See you there!

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