
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Once again, another reminder about the meetup this Sunday. The details:

San Francisco Meetup

with Joey, Boss Ross and Wendy
Sunday, February

5th, 2006, 7 p.m.
at 21st Amendment


Second Street)

We’ll be the table with the accordion, which should make us hard to miss, even though they passed a law saying that the piano accordion is the official instrument of San Francisco back in 1990.

The invitation

is open to all. We’ll probably talk a little tech if enough techies

show up, but it’s really a “Hey, we’re in town and we’d like to see

you” kind of gathering. I plan to have the accordion with me, so it’s

likely there will be some kind of performance. The timing may not be

the hottest — this Sunday is Superbowl XL — but it’s the only day

that Ross and I could be available this trip.

(Boss Ross and I will be in San

Francisco to catch the Evans Data Developer Relations

Conference on Monday and Tuesday, and Wendy and I are making

a mini-vacation of the trip.)

If you’re planning to

come, please let me know via

email or in the comments so we know how much room to set


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