
A "Hump Day" Movie (in Every Sense of the Phrase)

These days, if you go to any developer conference where the focus isn’t on “emerging technologies” and not “the enterprise” (read: boring old accounting software and most Microsoft conferences), you’ll see a lot of Macintosh laptops. Mac OS X hasn’t even been out five years — the fifth anniversary will be this March — but it’s already become the preferred platform of the alpha geek.

It wasn’t always this way. The macho undercurrent of nerd culture — quit laughing, there actually is one — is one of one-upmanship and showboating one’s IQ and mental fortitude, which is counter to the user-friendliness and aesthetics of the Mac. Hence the remark a lot of hackers used to make: “Macs are for fags”.

Nowadays, the only people who’d say that are the folk behind this short movie: Broke Mac Mountain [2.3 MB Quicktime, safe for most non-uptight workplaces]. Tech support was never so man-on-man tender!

Click the image to watch the movie.

In case you were wondering, Broke Mac Mountain is the creation of the comedy troupe Mighty McPilgrim.

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