
Accordion Guy Advent Calendar, Day Four: Oddball Microsoft Korea Flash Promo

Photo: Figurine of Santa playing the accordion. Try saying that quickly three times: “Oddball Microsoft Korean Flash Promo.” Tricky, huh?

While you’re trying to do that, see if you can wrap your head around

this Korean Flash animation which I believe extols the virtues of

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. For all I know it may just extol the virtues of getting hammered on soju and dancing in furry pants with your co-workers. Anyhow, you

don’t have to speak Korean or be a programmer to appreciate the

kookiness of the promo…

Looks like the Christmas party at the deVilla residence!

This is what coding in VB.NET feels like.

(If you’d like to see the Flash animation in its original context, go here.)

One reply on “Accordion Guy Advent Calendar, Day Four: Oddball Microsoft Korea Flash Promo”

I thought it was cute (even if I’m not a programmer and don’t speak any other language than English).

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