It Happened to Me

Photos from CASCON

On Wednesday afternoon, I participated in a panel discussion

group/workshop at IBM’s CASCON conference titled “The Business of

Blogging”. I’ll write up more next week, but in the meantime, here are

some amusing photos of yours truly. I don’t know who took the photos,

but he caught me at some primo moments…

“And then when I woke up, my pants were gone!”

“Duuuuuude, half my music collection came straight from the old Napster.”

“Oh God, not another question about syndication formats…eyes heavy…can’t stay…zzzzz….”

The full set of photos is available at the Business of Blogging photoset on Flickr.

One reply on “Photos from CASCON”

Thanks Joey for speaking at CASCON! Here’s Accordion Guy (no not on his accordion) giving his talk at the workshop. It was a great presentation. His slides are available from the CASCON literature site under Wednesday workshops and Business of Blogging – talk 1.

Joey and his wife Wendy were at the workshop, and made for some interesting discussion. If you want to know what else happened at the workshop, go to the CASCON blog.

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