In the News

Which One is the "Nuclear Option"?

The photo below has surpassed my earlier candidate for weirdest photo of the Katrina aftermath:

Photo: Boarded-up rug store in New Orleans with the warning 'Don't try. I am sleeping with a big dog, an ugly woman, two shotguns and a claw hammer'.

“A Big Dog, an Ugly Woman, Two Shotguns and a Claw Hammer”? Sounds like the title for the next Guy Ritchie movie.

2 replies on “Which One is the "Nuclear Option"?”


I know this has ben already asked but…

Would it be possible for Tucows or someone to set up some sort of a centralized location log so that families and friends could search by name or address to find out the present location & status of loved ones?

I understand Craig’s List is being used but I’m not sure how efficent that is.


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