If you haven’t yet seen Junku’s set of “airborne cat” pictures, make sure you do!
Click the photo to see the whole set of “airborne cat” pictures.
Do you know what would make these pictures cooler? Lightsabers!
“You’ve lost, Anakin! I have the high ground!
13 replies on “Cats and Lightsabers”
I would have called him “Anakitty”.
Hahahahahhaahahah! … too funny
That picture is awesome! You’re right, lightsabers makes it much better.
that’s just too f’in funny
itz kinda freaky…. @ the same time itz hysterical
that is so funny!
hahahahahahaha! lol!
i think that you could think of it just as YAH! MOMMY’S HOME! Instead of a geekie thing.
hummmmmmm i call him dark cat
whehehe.. love it..
wasn’t it obi wan that had the low ground…… ” you’ve lost anakin… i have the low ground?…oh well anakin got effed in the a$$ ayway<3333
I put this on LOLcats.co.uk I gave you credit tho i even put a link to your pics!!
im scared!