
Anyone Know any Good Toronto Movers?

Let me know! (Feel free tell me about anyone I should avoid.)

219 replies on “Anyone Know any Good Toronto Movers?”

Weird that i’m following up after J….worked together for a couple years.

I’ve got a recommendation. Tender Touch. A few friends have moved with them before. Good if you don’t want anything broken and they put down sheets & runners to protect everything. Possibly not the speediest, but they do a good work.


After a few moves where we chose the movers based on price (and were never left feeling excited about the great choice we made), this January we went with Tippet-Richardson (“The Careful Movers”) and were very happy with the results. From the moment you first call them, they take care of you. Very thorough and professional about ever step of the process from the estimate to the follow-up.

One thing to be wary of is movers that charge by the square footage. Apparently there’s a scam going around where they will quote one price, then when everything is on the truck, charge something much, much higher. With a weight-based quote, they have to supply proof that your goods are X weight, making it harder to swindle you.

I did a bunch of research online, called a dozen firms, looked up companies in the BBB, etc. and ended up selecting Toronto Movers (416) 652-6613. It’s a small operation but I was pleased with the move. They gave me a quote based on two movers ($65/hr + 1 hr min travel time). On the morning of the move, they were actually *early* and there were three guys! In the end, it ended up being cheaper this way as they were able to finish faster.


After a few VERY bad moves I decided it was worth the higher price to pay for a national company. They generally have a name and a reputation to protect and so are less of a blind leap of faith, or so says I.

I’d highly recommend any local agent for Allied; I’ve done two long hard moves with them and both times the men were courteous, efficient, and good-humored throughout (guys who can sing satirical moving songs in the 6th hour of a three-household move get my vote every time). Bonus points: during my last move there was an accident and a new monitor got damaged; though I had only the default per-pound insurance, Alliance decided to recompense me for the full value of the monitor even though they were legally only bound to pay seven cents per pound… they just thought it was the right thing to do. A big thumbs-up for Allied!

Oh, and Tippet-Richardson, named earlier on, are Allied agents as well – at least in Montreal.

If your company regularly uses a moving company for relocating employees find out who it is and use them. They will do a good job and be careful not to jeopardize the corporate business.

Tom Trucker – Excellent service, great prices, highly recommended. You can find them in the phone book.

Yeah, beware the east European thug types. I don’t recall their names but I chose a Toronto mover on price — they were obviously former Soviet Union emigres — and they were a disaster. Insisted on me signing a blank credit card chit before the move. I told them to fuck off, at which point they threatened to nuke my credit rating. Eventually I gave them a minimum cash deposit and they grudingly did the move, but they were cunts and in future I’ll be using a chain like Tippet Richardson. Nobody moves often enough that it’s worth the hassle of trying to get a cut price deal. On the other hand I’ve had terrific deals from the ‘two men with big hearts’ kinds of guys, but it’s always chancy when you go for the budget option. As soon as you smell gangster, depart.

Someone’s already noted it, but Yellow Movers and Storage is evil. They wrecked some of my furniture and overcharged by about $300. When I asked the head guy about this, he threatened to bill me for more and screw up my credit rating if I didn’t pay. It’s hard to believe these criminals are allowed to do business in Canada.

I tried using to compare prices on pre-screened moving companies.

I received 5 estimates. They actually have quite a few that are mentioned on replies to this Tender Touch, Allied, Toronto Movers. They represent all the major Vanlines like Atlas, North American, United etc… They are hooked up with Canada Post to move your mail and Bell to move your phone..Made finding a mover very easy. Because they provide so much business to the Moving companies, they have a lot of control and can easily assist you if there is a problem…and because they know they are competing, the rates I got from the web site were much better than calling the companies directly….Several of my frinds I told about the site used the service and thought it was a great web site

Avoid D. Armstrong Moving and Storage – particularly if you are doing cross border moves. This company provided us with incomplete critical customs forms which resulted in our goods being turned back at the border. They did not take any accountability for their error – they continued to change the cost of our move – and the costs are still escalating

Our experience with Yellow was ok, then went sour

We had moved in July ’05 using them. Previously we had moved all of our small stuff and were using them only for the big stuff. The movers were dismayed that we’d only be contracting them for the three hour minimum.

Nothing got broken, but a few things did get nicks and scratched. Everyone should be aware that their insurance is $0.60 per lb, so if they break your 2,000 TV that weighs 200 lbs, their liable for $120.

Then last week, approximately 9 months after we moved, and paid for the move (we have a receipt indicating paid in full) they charged $600 to my wife’s credit card. We filed a fraud report with the credit card company and Peel Police.

El Cheapo Movers is a local Toronto company on’s pre-screened list. They have no bureau complaints, and they give discounts to seniors, students, and non-profits.

I have used El Cheapo 3 or 4 times and they are consistently professional, reliable, and the best priced around.

110% from my end.

I second the Yellow Movers rant. They are the worst crooks ever. They sat on my porch, on my chairs, refusing to unload the rest of our furniture until we paid them double the estimate, because “we didn’t know you had stairs”. When we refused they loaded the chairs they were sitting on back on to the truck and took off. After calling the police, filing reports and ongoing disputes, we finally received our things 2 days later. They still didn’t move it upstairs but left it on the front porch. I am considering litigation, if anyone would consider going in with us on a civil suit, please contact me.

Used El Cheapo once last year and was impressed — the move was pretty flawless and the price could not be beaten. Second time around this year was ridiculously shoddy. I booked a month in advance, confirmed the booking the day before, but on the day of the move, nobody showed up. I waited around for a good three hours and made several calls to their office which went unreturned. Finally their office phoned a half-hour before the very end of my booked time and announced that much to their regret, they were not going to make it that day. That pretty much destroyed any chance at getting future business from me.

I don’t mind cancellations, but please — when you have a month’s prior notice, don’t let it ride until the last half hour. Ridiculous.

Avoid movers with Eastern European/ Russian accents. Not wanting to be prejudice, in my reasearch i have heard nothing but problems with thes etype of movers.

Names to avoid Magnum Moving who I believe closed up shop and and changed there name to Empire moving.

Unfortunately these types of movers are basically out to rip you off. Like everything in life…YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!

It’s not worth the extra few dollars , that usually is just a bait and switch for these guys any way. Your lifess possesions are worth more than dealling with these types.

Stay away from ABC Movers. They took a massive chip out of a $$$ cabinet. The movers appeared to be out on a day pass and when they weren’t slamming our furniture around, they were squabbling amongst themselves. I booked weeks in advance and they had no record of my booking the day of the move. Scary.

Don’t use Empire moving…they charged me triple the price and wouldn’t give me my stuff until I filled out a blank visa slip and then charged triple. They are russina or something and scary to deal with!

i was about to go with them. Thank god i found this site. I’m canceling my deal with them, before i get in a terrible situation.

Does anyone know if $200 is enough for me to move from a North York bachelor apartment to a Downtown single & small room? I got this flyer : – 416-999-6683. Is this company good? any exprience and thought would be greatly appreciated.

IMove is another company that you should avoide. They lie and were late as well. Told me no minimum charge, at the end I got charge with 4 hours minimum charge, actual move job was less then 3 hours. Trying to get some explanation, no one return call or even pickup the call. They also left some garbage and didn’t want to clean it up.

Atlas Moving( moved my household goods into my storage unit in July. They did not unload until they charged me more than the estimate by double, and charged me in full for unloading when it only took 45 minutes to unload into the storage unit.
In September, I tried to find some things and discovered that the furniture and boxes had been put into storage in such a way that there was damage to my furniture, broken dishes, and I couldn’t find what I was looking for.
They refuse to acknowledge the damage, have refused to pay for any damages done to my items. Avoid this company, they also Eastern Europeans/Russians.

In response to the complaint of July ’05 that we only moving big stuff and had a problem with the insurance, and had extra charges taken 9 months later, I am writing to explain what occurred and make it clear what happened:

1) Our movers will move anything you have regardless of how long it takes.

2) The insurance policy you are talking about is called default per pound insurance and is available at no charge to the customer. But as our invoice states there is extra insurance available at a cost of $20.00 per thousand which is called replacement value protection.

3) As for the charges that were taken 9 months after your move was caused by POS, our merchant services. This occurred to a couple of our customers and those who we were able to contact were returned the money and given extra compensation for the hassle that was caused. If this wasn’t the case for you I apologize it was because we weren’t able to contact you but would like to make your experience with us a good one.

-Complaints Administrator for Yellow Moving and Storage

In reply to the overcharge and wrecked furniture, for local moves we charge per hour plus 1 hour travel time. For long distance, we charge per pound. Now depending on how many hours it took to load and unload or how many pounds your items came to would determine how much you pay. If during a move we damage furniture we have a company that we send to repair those damages. If you have any other complaints please feel free to call our office and ask for the complaints administrator and she’d be more than happy to help you.

-Complaints Administrator of Yellow Moving and Storage

As for the overcharges as I stated in another reply to a similar complaint, for local moves we charge per hour plus 1 hour travel time. For long distance, we charge per pound. Now depending on how many hours it took to load and unload or how many pounds your items came to determines the cost of your move. It is our company policy that we give our customers a one hour gap which the movers will come. Our policy is also if our movers are past that gap of time for every hour that we are late we give back a half hour. If the person who wrote this did not receive this please contact us so we can talk.

-Complaints Administrator for Yellow Self Storage

In reply to the overcharge and wrecked furniture, for local moves we charge per hour plus 1 hour travel time. For long distance, we charge per pound. Now depending on how many hours it took to load and unload or how many pounds your items came to would determine how much you pay. If during a move we damage furniture we have a company that we send to repair those damages. If you have any other complaints please feel free to call our office and ask for the complaints administrator and she’d be more than happy to help you.

-Complaints Administrator for Yellow Self Storage

As it says on our moving invoice which is in the moving conditions: important section it is bolded and states: “I agree that after the truck is loaded I pay a deposit that approximately covers the hours of loading and unloading plus one hour traveling time… the carrier will not relinquish possession of shipment until all charges are paid in cash, money order, or certified cheque.” We require that our customers sign this section as well as two others before we begin a move. The company policy which is common among all moving companies is that the customer pays a deposit at the end of loading up and if there’s any difference at the end of the move the remainder is paid.

-Complaints Administrator for Yellow Self Storage

hey guys, just came across this post about movers in Toronto and noticed our company name mentioned. Could you please send us more info about the move completed for you in December to We’ve encountered some legal issues with another mover operating under imove solutions and had them forfeit the name as iMove(imove canada) trademark belongs to iMove World Group. That company has switched its name to Century Moving since and has also caused some confusion with BBB. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

i’m surprised that these guys haven’t been shut down by atlas van lines, as their dba name is so similar…bad service doesn’t help promotion of the name either…just a thought

Looking for a good mover at a good price call the cheaper mover 4162472300 I have overlooked your concerns and assure you we don’t qualify for the bad books.

We are insured and almost solely survive of referrals.

I don’t like to point fingers but the bad movers are making a bad name for all of us.

Cheaper mover bad list

1.yellow movers RE: don’t listen to there crap they are scammers and there storage has mice. We pull stuff out of their storage for customers who have been cheated.

2.Honest boys movers. RE: now out of business. Thank god. (not so honest)

3. Two small men with big harts. RE:I do not down the whole organization but I have herd substantial complaints about pricing, changing of price, and unwilling workers. I am going in order of complaints herd but you got to consider they are the largest local movers in Canada. I have also herd good things. I guess it depends on the guys you get.

4. VJ movers. RE: famous price changers.

5. Reliable mover- in Scarborough . RE: stay away from these losers. I’ll keep it simple, JUST NOT RELIABLE in any way.


1. EL CHEAPO. RE: they my be our direct competition in service and price, but what can I say, they have a good rep. their service may be a bit better then ours but we have larger trucks.

2. Tippet and Richardson RE: you want it done right and price is no option call them.

3. HUDSON MOVERS RE: I’ve personally seen seen these guys in action and was very impressed. They are on the upscale of price but you must pay for professionalism.

4. again I must tip my hat to el cheapo. You guys bring excellence to use movers.

Administration THE CHEAPER MOVER

Everybody be careful, Yellow movers has had so much bad publicity they changed their name to CanAmerican, same bunch of scoundrils.

I strongly advise not using “Adrian The Mover”. I hired them to load a rental truck. They were nearly two hours late, creating serious problems for me; they scratched and damaged several pieces of good furniture; a new coil of rope provided to secure the load was taken but I discovered later it was not used and nowhere to be found; and they insisted on being paid in cash, which I was not told of ahead of time nor was I prepared to do so (that created further delays for me). All in all, my opinion is that they are unreliable, dishonest and totally uncaring.

in respond to your comment

we didn’t find any thing about your compliant with our compliant manger. just a note yellow moving and storage do over 600 moves a month we take pride that we deal with every compliant with in 72 hours. please contact me diractly at Al Sammin

Imove Canada and Imove Solutions are one and the same company owned by Auburn & Crown Moving. Please check the Better Business Bureau for multiple complaints against this company.

In the past two years I have done two moves and the first one I used Yellow Movers and they were actually really good. This past one I did I used CanAmerican and they were even better. Unlike what is above about them being the same scoundrels it wasn’t the same ones i dealt with from Yellow Movers. Both companies were great.

The first time my husband and I moved we also chose based on price. However, our moving company ended up holding our stuff hostage for more money. It was horrible! We even had to get the cops involved. Anyway, this time around we ended going with a more expensive mover. I found them on some site called they seemed to be pretty good. At least they did not hold our stuff hostage! That’s always a good thing. Overall moving companies are a pain to deal with!


The first time my husband and I moved we also chose based on price. However, our moving company ended up holding our stuff hostage for more money. It was horrible! We even had to get the cops involved. Anyway, this time around we ended going with a more expensive mover. I found them on some site called they seemed to be pretty good. At least they did not hold our stuff hostage! That’s always a good thing. Overall moving companies are a pain to deal with!


I had Atlas move me at the end of November. I had used and got a bunch of quotes from different companies prior to making the decision. After talking to Linda at Atlas, she told me that the cost would be $59 per hour (with a travel time of 1 hour added on top) plus a 5% fuel surcharge for 2 movers and a truck. Since my budget for this move was just $250 and the move wasn’t that huge I figured that this could work. I specifically mentioned to her that both my old and new places were on the 2nd floor and I asked her if there were any additional charges and she said no.

On moving day the movers arrived on time and refused to work until I signed a blank credit card receipt and sign a contract. Since at that point I didn’t really have any other moving options I did it. The movers worked at reasonable pace, didn’t break anything and didn’t overcharge me for the 3.5 hours it took them to finish. 4.5 hours total times $59 plus a 5% fuel surcharge and tax should be about $315 then, right? Well, my bill was $500. There was a $80 stairs charge, $15 materials (all they used was some shrink wrap for couches) charge and a $39 DDF charge on my bill. I asked the driver what DDF was and all he said was “it’s a tax, like GST”. I told them that these extra charges were unfair and they told me to call the office if I wanted to dispute it.

When calling the office I had to deal with this guy named Alex. This guy was brutal. The first time I called him I explained my situation but he had to leave and insisted he’d call me back and we’d resolve it. He never called. So I called him back (it took more than a couple trys to get him to answer) and argued with him for about an hour. I told him how I’d specifically asked about additional charges and was told there were none. I told him there was no mention of the additional charges in the email quote or on their website. He would hear none of it. It was very frustrating. In the end, he said that I agreed to all of those charges by signing the contract that morning. He also said that he’d send me an electronic contract and call me and we’d discuss the situation later. He never did and I just cut my losses. But I’ll never use them again and I highly recommend against anyone else using them either.

Wish I had seen this blog before I moved… Phase 1 of my move I used Adrian the Mover and it was a disaster. Two inexperienced movers, the truck broke down after it was loaded, and I ended up paying too much just to get rid of them. Phase 2 I used Canamerican Van Lines. I did check with BBB and there was only one old complaint (so was ok with odds). They actually arrived early with 3 big guys (as promised) and were really great to shrink wrap all my antique furniture, pack with care, etc. The only problem was they make you pay as they are unloading and they “estimate” the time on the second half based on the first half — and I didn’t know better to say that “unloading is ALWAYS faster” so I probably paid for at least 1 hour too much. However, everthing was moved unbroken, the guys were really nice, and overall it was a lot better than the day before. So, if you agree that paying a little more is better, it wasn’t such a bad move. However, for the final Phase 3 I’m going to see if El Cheapo can help me out — then I’ll see if you can get good service at a fair price!

Avoid “Desi Movers” as well. They cost me about $200 more than what I was originally quoted because of all the extras that got added to the bill. Then, to top it off one of the movers accidentally picked up my jacket on his way out. After stringing me along all day saying they would return it as soon as they finished their next job, they eventually refused to bring it back… they forced me to borrow a car and drive all the way out to scarborough to get it.

iMove Canada. While they say they rebranded, they sat outside the self storage waiting for me, with the clock running. Took 4 hours with 3 guys to move my possessions from my condo into storage (and I was helping at the self storage unit). Beware of that time
Tom Trucker: The team showed up 5 hours late (but that’s because the move before actually required two loads, and they were going Markham-Vaughan). 2 people then moved me from condo-to-condo in 2.5 hours, breaking a serious, SERIOUS sweat.
El Cheapo: Honest, affordable and good people.
I think its clear whose good…

We are taking Yellow Movers to court this month for overcharging, damaging our belongings and for threatening to sell everything unless we coughed up the extra money. If you would like to be a witness for us, we would do the same for you.

I have used El Cheapo many times when I was single and thought they were grand…they show up, get on with it, don’t break things…I do remember hearing that they once went out of business and then made a comeback, and that the prior incarnation may have been less reliable than the current one. I don’t know how they are for big moves, but for 1 bedroom moves I would not hesitate to use them again.

Take this tip — avoid, at all cost, a company called ‘Best Price Movers’. They were absolutely heinous. The showed up for my move 6.5 hours late. They kept me on a string, jerking me around all day. Their customer service was horrible. They promised to have a ‘manager’ call me to discuss what happened but they never did. I called them again and got more runaround.
Honestly, the moving business seems to be an ungoverned ‘Wild West’ of really disparate companies, some legit, some less so. It seems like many of them get away with murder, holding your possessions as temporary ransom.
If you look on the web you will find complaints about ‘Best Price Mvers’. (They are also known as the ‘Russion-guy-in-your-voicemail spammers)
Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.

I also used Canamerican for my move. They were really great! I have also had difficult moves before and as a single mother I find it hard to take on such a big job. They were really helpful. I booked them for 10:00am and they showed up at 9:30 but they only charged me from 10:00, they didn’t even charge me the extra 1/2 hour. I was under a lot of emotional stress it was nice to move with a company that makes things easier.

I suspect the previous post is by Yellow movers themselves. Don’t be fooled by the change of name! Yellow movers and Can-American van lines are MOST CERTAINLY the same group of people. I suspect they made the name change to escape bad publicity… But they’ll soon get more under the new name.

I called El Cheapo Movers upon a recommendation from a friend — NEVER again. They not only showed up late, but the driver STANK of alcohol. They managed to damage three pieces of brand new furniture, (they dragged my dining room table face down along a concrete sidewalk). I submitted my claim a month ago and to this day they have not responded! They keep promising that the owner will call me, but that’s just a “false” promise. Don’t use this mover!

I agree with you 100%. They tried ripping me off during my move. I ended up calling the police on them, since they refused to open the truck and return my stuff back to me unless we pay them approx $300 more than what they originally had quoted us.

The worst moving experience of my life.

I thought I would take a second to tell you about my experience with a Toronto moving company called Meadow Movers.

I contracted them to do a move from Toronto to Sarnia, Three weeks in advance of my moving day.

The day before our moving day they contacted us to ask us if we could move our moving day to the next day or later because their “Help” was injured in an accident..(they only have two guys working for the company?) I said I could not move the date be I have made all the plans and cable, telephone, installation and booked the time off work and so on. they said ok and that everything is fine and they will be there on time, Ready to work. Well, the next day they were not there at the agreed upon time in fact I had to call the office 30 minutes after and ask when or if they were going to show up…

These two guys get lost and then call me for directions??

They showed up 1 hour late and in a “Rental Van” can you believe that a “Rental Van”.


These two guys look to be about 55-60 years of age and they don’t have any wardrobes or moving blankets as agreed upon before hand and all they have to assit in the move of my 1 Bedroom apartment is a 2ft by 2ft “Portable Hand Dolly”

Now first understand I had 50 2ft by 2ft cardboard boxes and a entertainment center that was able to fit a 32″ Television and a 6 component stereo system complete with 3 Stereo sized Speakers on top of the unit.

A Queen size bed and 5 6 shelf bookcases and a full size computer and computer desk.

All of which I told them in the first phone when we booked the move and they asked for a 400.00 dollar deposit on credit card, which I gave them.(I have since learned that this is not an industry wide policy).

It took these gentlemen 45 minutes to load 1 wardrobe and 1 queen box spring and mattress on to the trunk. and at that point I realized that this was going to talk a alot longer the the “estimate” of 9 hours and at $80 an hour I wasn’t going to get fleeced for any more.

I called the office and canceled the move and then fun started, The driver had neglected to get me to sign the contract on arrival and I was aware of this, (not I would have it signed it away) I was told that I had to pay another $200 as a “cancellation fee” (remember they already had $400.00 of my money. They said that I had to pay cash because I could cancel the CC payment with Visa and they wouldn’t get their money.(I was told by Visa because they showed up I couldn’t cancel!)

I said I wasn’t going to pay any more and they should refund the 200.00 difference to my Visa.

They said no I had to pay in cash..

I followed the guys out to the truck (because I knew what was going to happen) and put myself on the truck so they couldn’t drive away (the driver already had the lock in his hand when realized I was on the truck) then I said I want you to take my belongings back to the apartment.

The driver called the office on his cell phone and then handed the phone to me and they told me to get of the truck and they would “talk” about this.

It went back and forth for about 20 minutes and then I had enough( I was cold without my coat) I told them if they didn’t take my belongings back to the apartment I was calling the police.

The called the office again and this guy on the phone said that I couldn’t call the police because they wouldn’t do anything because it was not a police matter.

I waited 5 more minutes of back and forth, then I called the police and about 15 minutes later two officers showed up and I explained the situation and the officer told the driver in noway was the company allowed to hold my stuff if I canceled the move without a written con tract and they were to return my things to my apartment right away. If he had to come out again the they would be arrested for theft.

The police left and they stalled again and the drivers helper was getting angry he said to the driver “You better not get me arrested” and about 15 minutes later I called the police again and just as the police arrived the guys the the stuff back into my apartment and they drove off and a couple hours later I called and asked the office for a return to my Visa of 200.00 and they returned the money and my business was done with that company was done.

In the end we called D. Armstrong Moving & Storage Ltd. and paid $135.00 an hour and everything went perfectly they did twice the work in the same time as the other guys.


Thanks for this blog….

I agree. The above posts have to be from Canamerican!

I used Canamerican to move some stuff into storage to sell my home. They didn’t wear foot protection and tramped dirt on my brand new carpet. They took less than 2 hours to load my stuff up but charged me 5 hours for the move (the girl at the storage said they showed up 1.5 hrs after they left me home which is 5 minutes away!). Once they had all my stuff in the truck they pointed out the ‘tip’ area and told me they wanted me to write a reference for them (which is blackmail!). They made me sign to say everything had arrived in storage undamaged before they had even left my house. What was I supposed to do say ‘no put it all back’.

The worst was that when I arrived to sign for the storage unit they had bumped me up 2 sizes because ‘the fridge wouldn’t fit through the door’. This is a load of crap because it went out my front door and my front door isn’t THAT big!

I also put a $100 deposit on the move and then couldn’t provide the card to take an imprint on moving day (I had lost it and was awaiting a replacement). They said I would have to pay in full on another card and then get a refund of the $100. I have called about ever other day since. I have been told the refund will be ‘processed immediately’. This was over a month ago.

I was also told I would get 30 days free storage but I have a feeling I will not see that either. As a result I have cancelled the rest of the move with them and am in the process of rebooking with someone else.

I estimate the entire thing cost me about $400 more than was agreed on and I could have hired a much better company for that money.

Don’t believe a word when they say ‘oh we’ll fix it just contact us’. They will tell you they will fix it (every single time you call) but they won’t do a thing!

March 23rd, 2006

“iMove Canada”, your Burlington movers are running a scam by making one arrangement then increasing the price exponentially. Two movers just intimidated my friend into doing this as she was scared for her 6 year old son and her own safety!! iMove will not get away with this.

Exactly! My friend was scared for the safety of herself and her 6 year old son by large russian men who spoke almost no English. They told her to “PAY OR ELSE”! It is disgusting and this sort of behavior will not be tolerated in Burlington.

Anyone use Emerald Movers? Moving lcally and of course finding a good mover is always a huge pain. Tippet Richardson was so rude on the phone and had a $75 fuel charge for 1okm. Emerald forwarded me a website with what looks like a bunch of fake reviews talking them up.

Tom Trucker in Toronto VG, also G&S Moving and Storage in Toronto excellent, family firm, used them twice.

XPress Movers Toronto (

If you are considering using XPress Movers of Toronto, I offer this description of my move with them for your consideration.

About six months ago I had had a bad experience with a moving company that was pretty cheap, being 6 hours late.

Now that I was moving apartments I decided that I was going to do my research on companies before using them.

I have heard a lot of good word of mouth about Tom Trucker, and had used them in the past, so they were my first choice. I booked with them for the 1st.

My landlord surprised me saying I needed to move on the 31st. I found this out about 2 weeks prior to the move.

Tom Trucker was booked up for that date, so I had to scramble to find another mover.

I called and spoke with a few, but I ended up deciding to go with XPress Movers, mainly because I liked what the website had to say about their service and philosophy. The founder of the company, Linda Mizrahi, relays on the website her own past frustration with the service of cheap moving companies, and states: “It’s when the whole company works as a team that it all comes together. At the end of the day, everyone has to be proud of what they’re doing. I think ultimately that’s the strength of our company.” Seemed reputable to me.

They claimed to be a word-of-mouth based business, priced a tier above the cheap (and questionable) moving companies. They promised an in-home inspection prior to the move. To top it all off, they promise a gift valued at $200 for anyone who moves with them. The positioning on the website seemed legit so I decided to give them a try.

When I spoke with them, I was told they cost $75/hr which I was fine with, as that’s what Tom Trucker costs and they provide a legitimate, fast service. I asked specifically if there were any extra or hidden charges that I should know about, as I wanted no surprises. I was reassured that they have a completely above-board approach and that the only requirement/stipulation that I needed to know about was the 4/hr minimum charge. This sounded ok with me.

I mentioned to them that I was moving a small 1 bedroom + den about a 5-minute drive away. A very small, local move. I guessed it would take maybe 3 to 3.5 hours total.

I asked them to be there at 10:45 as I had the elevator booked for 11 am in my building.

They called the day before, which reassured me, and said they would be there at 10:30. I was ok with this as I figured we could get things moving a bit earlier.

They were on time at 10:30. We did have a 15 minute delay involving where to park the truck in relation to the building.

I had 3 people including myself, plus the 2 movers. I had bought a dolly, and had packed everything into easily moveable and stackable plastic bins.

My brother and I had already worked up a sweat moving 15 large bins down to the lobby before before the movers had lifted a finger. At that point, my apartment was almost half empty.

When the 2 movers came up to my apartment and saw what little there was to move they were visibly happy. Then it became apparent that they were planning to move me an hour away. I told them they had incorrect info and that we were going just a few minutes down the street. I guess this meant they had quite a bit more time then they thought before their next appointment.

I was then presented with a liability contract. It stated a rate of $85/hr, not the $75/hr that I had been verbally quoted. With little choice, and knowing that it was a tiny local move that would take around 3 hours, I decided to look past it and keep going.

I had a gung-ho attitude as I wanted to move things along as quickly as possible. Over the course of the next hour, my 2 friends and I slogged our guts out moving everything else into the hall, then down the elevator, then to the truck.

The 2 movers spent 80% of their time on the truck together, packing and arranging, while we slogged out guts out doing the actual moving, using their dollies, and mine.

As the move went on we were all looking at each other wondering how it was that I was spending all this money, and we were doing all the heavy work. As they saw we were willing to bear the brunt of it, they seemed happy to sit back. This concerned me, but I was more concerned that the move would crawl to a snail’s pace if we slowed down, so we kept going.

They did wrap my couch and some two special pieces of furniture in cellophane, and moved those items.

I was informed by the main mover that normally because of insurance, they don’t let clients on the actual truck, but that since we seemed like nice people, he would allow it. I thought it was funny that he was trying to convince me that he was doing us a favour by letting us do more of their work for them.

Once we finally had everything on the truck it had taken almost 2 hours. It would have been less if they expended half the energy we were expending. But, I figured that unloading would take less time and that my estimate of about 3.5 hours was about right.

At this point, the Xpress mover informed me that he could not proceed without a ‘deposit’ of $300 cash only. I informed him that no one had told me about the cash deposit requirement, and that he had all my earthy possessions on his truck as collateral. He said it was company policy. That was news to me. I needed to keep the move going, so I gave him $300 cash with no receipt.

Off we went.

About 10 minutes later we arrived at my new apartment.

We started working. I noticed that both movers were a little ‘slow’ in their efforts. My friends and I immediately started sweating again, stacking and moving heavy items. I would describe their pace as languid. The slower they were, the harder we worked as we didn’t want the move to drag on.

We had been there for about 40 minutes working up a huge sweat while they moped around, letting us bear the brunt of it. (At one point we were on the truck, my two friends and I, picking up heavy bins while the second mover looked around and then bent down and picked up 2 table legs. My 100lb girlfriend was picking up a heavy box while he did this).

We were exhausted.

The main mover approached me in the house. He said it was time to settle up the move before it was over. He told me I owed an additional $285 bring it to a grand total of $585 for a tiny local move for which we did most of the work.

I felt the colour drain out of my face.

He still had my couch and some other pieces of furniture on the truck.

He took me out to the truck and got a calculator. He was charging me from 9am, and not the 11:45am, that I requested, or the 10:30am that I got. He said it took them an hour and a half to get to me from where they were and that I had to pay for it. This came as a complete shock.

If I did not pay, they would not continue. This felt like blackmail. I felt sick and just wanted my move to be over. I was not happy about it but went off to find a bank machine. I felt sick as I drove around looking for one. I was in shock that I was being forced to pay almost $600 for a small local move, in which myself and my friends had done most of the work.

10 minutes later, on my way back. My cellphone rang. It was my brother, who said that while I was gone, as they continued to work, the movers stood on the truck folding blankets.

When I came back and confronted them about this, they were indignant. I asked why, when I was being forced to pay such a ridiculous sum, they would have the audacity to fold blankets in preparation for their next job, while my friends continued working. He said I had to pay for it, and that was it.

As they slid my couch in through the back, a moment occurred that will stay forever burned in my mind as a classic moving fiasco scene —

When the couch was halfway in, they stopped and demanded the extra $285 cash.

Absolutely shameless.

My grand total for a small 1 bedroom, 5-minute local move, now stood at $585, with no receipt.

I gave them the money. They got the couch in. Then they asked if I need anything else. I pointed out that many of my things were still outside the apartment and needed to be inside. Grudgingly they did that.

When they left, the mover told me I was lucky. He said that many movers break and steal things and that I was lucky.

And that was my experience with XPress Movers.

They have since refused to return phone calls.

All you savvy internet researchers, who Google companies to find out about them as I did, now have a first person account of a moving with XPress Movers.

You can make up your own mind about it.

This posting is what they call KARMA. Good old business karma. This is what goes around, coming right back around.

Oh, and in case you were wondering — there was — of course — no $200 gift as they promise on their website.


El Cheapo are the best in town. Sounds like the lady above may have been confused with another company or maybe just happened to be the ONE where it’s gone wrong. I used them last week they were marvelous. The british guy in the office was very easy to talk to and made the whole thing very clear from start to finish. On time,swift,competitive,and made the move as seemless as possible. ***** 5 STARS

Avoid avoid avoid Desi movers – they showed up 2 hours late, and handed me a contract to sign that would have charged 5 hours min, plus 1 hour for “driving” (10 blocks), and $80 for stairs. The employee I had spoken to on the phone to book the move said it was 2 hours min, no extras. I called their boss, who repeated 5 hours min etc. I told them to go away, and they haggled, finally agreeing to 3 hours min, plus truck fees and other add-ons. One guy was hung over, the other overweight and useless. They dawdled through the loading, “estimated” the second half, and the unloading sped up when dumped my stuff in the front room. I did most of the work, while they complained. The most stressful move ever, and I ended up paying about twice what I was quoted.

The Better Business Bureau has a listing for iMove Solutions, with an unsatisfactory record; they have the same phone number as on the “iMove Canada” website – and you’re NOT the same company???

I recently had a HORRIBLE experience with CanAmerican.

Actually the experience is still going on. We hired them to move my grandparents furniture from Ottawa to Toronto. We hired them to pack up about 10 boxes with of items, put everything in the truck and move it same day to Toronto. We also went into detail with them outlining what time the truck would arrive in Toronto and they were to call me when they left Ottawa to let me know what time to meet them at the storage locker I had rented to accept the items. They showed up over an hour late in Ottawa and with no packer. They called in a packer and it took him an hour and a half to get there. They then loaded up our good and left. I called in for a time estimate and was told 2-3 weeks. How did a one day move turn into 2-3 weeks? They were rude and unhelpful and claimed that they tell all of their customers it will take 2-3 weeks (no, we booked a one day move thank you. When we asked to speak to a manager, they would not give us last names or phone numbers and refused to help us. We finally spoke to a manager who was also rude and unhelpful and promised to look into where our stuff was and call us back. He never called back. Not only and I worried about my items (which are ireeplacable), but both my father and I took off an afternoon of work to accept the delivery at the storage locker. Plus, I am now paying a fortune for an empty storage locker. NEVER HIRE CANAMERICAN VAN LINES!!!

You respond to the message above your’s. What concludes that the message was written by a woman? I suspect that you probably work for the company and are only trying to save face for them. If I am the ONLY case in which the move did go wrong, you’d think that they would take the opportunity to make the wrong a right! I’m sure once Silverman Helps obtains my documentation, they will agree that El Cheapo is the worst mover in town!

I booked a move with El Cheapo movers on recommendation from a friend who used them a few years ago. BIG MISTAKE.

They advised me that they would show up in a two hour window. One hour after they were supposed to show up I got a call from them – they told me they were running late but not to worry, they would get to me.

THEY NEVER DID! I kept calling their number every half hour to get an update. Nobody answered the phone so I simply kept leaving messages.

The hours kept passing by and I didn’t receive a call and the movers never showed up. In fact, I never heard from them again. At about 10:00 p.m. on a Saturday night I gave up on them.

They really screwed up my move.

To add insult to injury, I phoned the company on Monday to complain. A nice sounding woman answered the phone and assured me that someone would return my call shortly. This never happened, despite several callbacks on my part.

Obviously El Cheapo’s business model is to schedule as many moves as possible and only get to a few of the jobs.

Anyone that believes that this is standard practice among movers is naive. I have never had to sign such a form.

I’m looking for a Toronto mover and want to hear something good about someone.

So far front runners are Toronto Movers, Emerald Movers and Tom Trucker. Anyone have some personal expereince with these guys, especially Emerald or Toronto movers?

Please feel free to email me at or post on this page.

Thanks again. -Geoff.

That’s funny – I had a terrible experience with D. Armstrong and would warn others — DO NOT USE D. ARMSTRONG MOVING !!! In short, their sales persons lied to us, gave us a really low estimate (our final shipment was 50% higher than expected), and then overcharged us for what was shipped. We were charged $4775, when we should have gone with reputable competitors for $1000-$1500 less than that. They were very nice until they picked up our goods, after which the sales persons would be rude to us — swearing and yelling over the phone. What a nightmare it was! Sounds like you were very lucky in your experience with them.

Here’s the full story:

In February 2007, my wife and I scheduled a move from Toronto to Calgary with D. Armstrong Movers. We scheduled our move at the last minute, and thus were only dealing over the phone with Armstrong’s sales people. I had described all of our items to be moved in detail and was given an estimate of 2000 lbs and $3100 for ALL packing to be done by Armstrong. Although we had asked for the estimate in writing by email, it was never sent to us.

When we received our bill, it was for a move of 3200 lbs and $5006. Not only was the estimated weight very far off, but we were also charged a “small shipment” (less than 2500 lbs) fee of $350 and we were charged at the same rate for 3200 lbs as for 2000 lbs, contrary to the sales person’s description of a “sliding scale” and our higher weight shipped. As well, we expected to save some money as we had packed most of our items ourselves. After a lot of arguing, the movers reduced the small shipment fee by $230.

The movers refused to release our items to us unless we paid them the amount in full. Not believing the movers’ weighing, I watched them re-weigh our items and they ended up being 220 lbs less than the original weighing – we are still waiting for this amount to be refunded.

Competitive estimates that we have since received (from reputable companies), based on what we actually shipped, are about $1000 to $1500 less than what we paid. Thus, not only were we induced by the low estimate, but we were also overcharged significantly on our final bill. We tried several times to come to an agreement with the movers, but they have taken a hard-line stance of not caring about us, the customer – they have their money earned through lying and deceit, and that is all they seem to care about. In addition, D. Armstrong’s sales people were very rude to me and my wife, often yelling over the phone and swearing at us.

I hope that others will hear our story and avoid using D Armstrong Movers for their moving needs, as it truly was a nightmare of an experience for us.

The Emerald Moving & Storage Inc. reviews on are completely legitimate and submitted by customers who have used our services. It would be difficult to get 1 fake review by Never mind 20+ and rising. Once we complete a move we send our customers an email asking them to review our services on homestars. Many of them do! We get a high get a high rating because the service we provide is exceptional.

The Emerald Moving & Storage Inc. reviews on are completely legitimate and submitted by customers who have used our services. It would be difficult to get 1 fake review by Never mind 20+ and rising. Once we complete a move we send our customers an email asking them to review our services on homestars. Many of them do! We get a high get a high rating because the service we provide is exceptional.

I am also having a very similar experience with CanAmerican. I was moving from Toronto to Washington DC. They came to pick up on time, which was a contract mover(Multicites). When I initially called them to sign the contract, they were supposed to provide me with 6 boxes and the customs form – but the movers had none of them. After two weeks, I called them to see what the status of my good was, and she told me she will call the dispatch and call me back. But she never did. I called in total of 5 times in a row in one day, but she never called me back saying the same thing that the dispatch hasn’t gotten back. Finally, after three weeks since the moving(and after many calls from me) she told me that it will arrive some time next week with a time frame of 3 days. It has been almost 4 weeks since they took my goods now, but no sign of arrival. I have to say CanAmerican Vanline has poor customer service, poor communication, and is unreliable.

I had used Adam Van Line to move our 2 bedroom apartment in to a house. They were on top of things and gave me and my belongings the appropriate attention. The employees of Adam Van Line were great. They were honest, hard working, affordable and time efficient. ya, i really would recommend adam van line for moving. i think they do delivery too. i hope i helped you with your question

i booked with some company called elizabith movers and talk to a girl said was $45/hr no hidden cost but when they showed up thet had one dolly and 5 blankets to put on my furniture. on the top they start telling me that we have to pay for stairs and insurance extra on the top of hourly rate so we were stuck we told them to go ahead but when they start moving , i had to tell them to leave they were disaster breaking everythging. avoid elizabith movers, i found out after that comfertable movers and elizabith movers are same comfertable movers and elizabith movers are scammeravoid them do not call them

I am looking for a moving company, folks. Whom should i use.
Allied. Tom Trucker. Tender Touch, El Cheap or Emerald???

Please feel free to email me.

Don’t use Tippet Richards in Vancouver, they are slow, break things, unreliable, certainly NOT the careful movers.

As someone who used to work for CanAmerican/Yellow Self Storage, I highly suggest that you shouldn’t hire them (or their affiliates, MultiCity Movers and QuickBoys if they’re still in business).

The turn over rate for movers and site staff is high. There are a few really good guys but they generally move on to green pastures that treated them better fairly quickly. The staff at the non-moving storage sites were often left trying to pick up the pieces when the horrible movers wrecked their stuff, or when they overbooked and swore they’d be there only to call them five hours after the move was supposed to start and say they couldn’t do it and dealing with the backlash of unhappy customers.
There were a few of us who tried our hardest to make the customer experience a happy one and hopefully we succeeded a few times…but that doesn’t make up for all the ones that weren’t and in the end everyone I had contact with there who did good work left from frustration.

The owner and his sister don’t care about their customers or their employees, only about squeezing every drop of money out of a person and that leads to the worst kind of experiences for everyone.

DO NOT us Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Company. They showed up on the scheduled date at 5pm and refused to do the job.

*** AVOID DESI MOVERS at all costs ***

Their ad claimed no hidden fees and over the phone they quoted a specific price and the owner “Jason” warned me of the 1 hour extra travelling time. I was fine with that.

On moving day, they came with 2 movers and the driver said that there is a charge for each floor due to “stairs”. Ofcourse it is end of the month and we had to move out that day so what choice did we have?

Within less than 30 minutes, one of the movers couldn’t take it and was sent home. The driver was no where to be found and they cannot find anyone else to help so we were forced to move everything with a single mover.

When everything was in the truck, the driver came back and said they can get another mover.

It took them around over an hour to eventually get to the new place when everyone else took around 20 minutes to get there. Of course we were charged for that extra travelling time.

Once at the new place, we were given a bill that was incorrectly calculated and many other hidden costs (unlike what the ad said). Until we paid in full, we could not unload.

Within 15 minutes… you got it. The first mover couldn’t work anymore and the driver is nowhere to be found. We were again forced to help move. We refused to move the heavy furniture so eventually after an hour and a half the driver came back to “help” out.

Here’s the kicker, after moving a few pieces, he helped out the guy who was moving to unload all our big furniture on to our front lawn then took off! Leaving us to move the big furniture ourselves until 2 AM!

So there you have it.
I could have rented a truck and did the work myself for 1/4 the price and a lot less stress.

These guys were fly-by-night operators. When I called “Jason”, he apparently is not available but his “brother” has different stories.

These guys had many hidden charges unlike what their ads say.

We paid for 2 movers but only had 1 – although Desi movers do not think it is their responsibility to do what it takes.

They did not finish the job!

Avoid hassles and use someone reputable or you will regret it!

Unfortunately, I wished I had read the posting here before hiring these guys.

I just hope that by posting our experience with Desi Movers that someone else could be spared a horrible moving experience.

I agree. Desi Movers company should be avoided at all costs. Our experience was even worse. We packed up one cube van and unloaded at the new address at 11 p.m. and agreed with the two men to return at our old address at 8 a.m. the next day so we could load the remaining contents before the new owners moved in. I paid them for the entire job, including the next day…which was a mistake. They never showed and after repeated calls and messages to Jason went unanswered he finally picked up the phone and told us he did not agree to moving the remainder of the contents, even though they took our money. I threatened to call the police and he said go ahead and hung up.

Avoid them at all costs.

I only stumbled upon this site and all of the reviews by accident. If only I had done my homework two years ago…when my husband and I moved with little time to spare and had to hire whomever was available, almost at the last minute. Unfortunately it was Yellow Moving Company. AND WHAT A HUGE MISTAKE!!!!! Ditto to all of the comments that were already provided. Our experience was horrific and left a really bad taste in my mouth with regard to moving companies. Now we’re moving again and I’m reluctant about who to hire. Has anyone ever used, “Rent a Son?”

I would like to add a positive review to this thread… We just moved to a new (to us) house in HighParkdale and we used Dino’s Movers. The service was careful and they didn’t break or damage a single thing. The price was reasonable (we used 4 guys and the big truck) and they were polite and engaged in what they were doing. My brother and his wife also used them a couple of months before us, leading to our using them because of the positive experience they had as well. 416-255-1200.

AVOID BEST PRICE MOVERS!! They wanted $200 more than the quoted price and demanded to get paid up front. Their workers were extrememly rude and slow. In the end they left our furniture in the garage since we wanted to pay once the job was done. Initially their operator quoted us $600, but once the movers loaded the truck they wanted $800 before tehy unloaded the truck. On top of that we paid for a 24 foot truck, but they sent a 20 foot truck. Big difference and all our furniture didn’t fit. It was a struggle all day as we were calling the office trying to rectify the situation – nothing was solved. The manager said if we didn’t like it, they would leave our furniture on the front lawn. The dispute continued all day, and in the end we got scammed. They left most of our furniture in the garage – the guy refused to work – and they walked away with $700. We tried calling the office and they hung up on us several times.

If we have problems with a moving company, like they never delivered the stuff even after a couple of months, what can we do? Is there any legal recourse we can take? Can we as consumers lodge complaints, alleviate it to appropriate authorities, go to court etc. What can we do to recover costs? Usually does the home insurance cover it or do we have to sue the moving company? Thanks.

Disaster…..Damaged furniture, no blankets, 1 wardrobe box, EXTREMELY RUDE BULLIES. Overcharged, took their time, and wouldn’t release furniture in the end until you signed VISA…….before even seeing your damaged furniture first. Oh ya….in order to get my clothes out to the new place, they told me to put my clothes in garbage bags, which I did, and they dropped them on the ground. Need I say more. I hope this saves someone alot of aggravation.

Very useful thread. I used it to select a company when I moved a couple of days ago, and it worked out great. I used Tom Trucker. They were affordable, flexible, reliable, friendly and respectful of goods and property.
I had booked a 25′ van, but they called a couple of days before the move and said they didn’t have one available. Offered me two 16′ vans and four guys rather than three for a slight increase in cost. They ended up sending five guys for the same price. Showed up right on schedule, worked hard, blanketed and shrink-wrapped everything that needed it, wore shoe protectors inside the house, asked all the right questions on loading and unloading. Highly recommended.

I recently moved with francis movers and they were great. From the moment they stepped in the house they were friendly and quick with reasonable rates. i couldnt imagine paying 140+ /hour for those large vanlines. A++

We are planning on suing Desi Movers after they really screwed us around and left us paying double the original quote and having to move 80% of our stuff ourselves. Email me if you’ve also had a bad experience at

I had the displeasure of hiring Desi Movers this past weekend.

What a disaster!

I had called a company named DYNAMIC Movers for my move this past weekend, and instead, a company called DESI movers showed up.

They were 1 hour late, and the owner had the audacity to tell me that it didn’t matter that they were going to be late because it was a holiday (Easter Weekend) … however, I had to book the elevator at both places and had a limited time frame.

After they loaded my goods and locked the truck, they then told me that I had to pay a $150 deposit that was not discussed beforehand.

They wouldn’t move without the money … I called the owner and he confirmed that I had to give this amount or else they wouldn’t move.

I paid, and told them to follow me to the destination.

They said “No, we are going to get some food.”

I said, “Well, my time is worth something, so you better get there soon, as I have the elevator booked only until noon.”

They didn’t show up until after 1 p.m. (1 hour and 45 minutes later!)

Then, they wouldn’t unpack my goods until I paid $471.50 … all this after they had only worked 1 hour and 10 minutes to load my goods into the truck!

We argued until we agreed that they could just unload my goods into the lobby …

I was scammed BAD!


March 28th, 2008

El Cheapo! El Cheapo! El Cheapo!

After talking to 10 different companies, we have decided to go with El Cheapo as they have gave us the best price.

These guys were just amazing.

– they showed up right on time!
– they didn’t even waste 1 minute, started moving right away!
– 1 bedroom apartment was done with in an hour!
– they were very feiendly and professional!
– they even gave me a ride to the 2nd location, saved me taxi.
– the whole moving was done in 2 hours!
– I paid exactly what I was told on the phone, no extra or hidden costs what so ever!

I have moved a lot and by far this was the fastest and the best moving ever!

I highly recommend El Cheapo.


Desi Movers– Avoid like the plague

Absolute horrendous. Can’t believe that something like this happened. DO NOT ENGAGE DESI MOVERS> THEY are big scam artists.
Over charge like crazy and dont complete the job. If you go through the above posts, they have a bunch of inefficient movers, they overcharge and dont complete the job. I contracted to pay at $44. eventually paid $ 180/hr. the movers are rude and dont work. If somework would take 1 hour, they would take 4 hours.

Learn from our experiences, dont take desi movers. Even if they offer their services for free.

GTA Movers ( is the worst moving company in Toronto. Be wary of their ‘low, low’ cash offers. Once the move is done, they will hand you the bill for an amount 3 times more. And the bed frame was scratched too. DO NOT USE GTA MOVING!

Movers in toronto gta movers.R&K Transmove (moving& storage) ,what can i say these guys are just great,affordable movers,careful moving company in toronto 647 989 6683.Best choice,also some good companies are Toronto Movers,Pods moving & storage and Miracle movers.

Thought I would add a positive review.

We used Woodbine Moving and Storage for our move at the end of August. Their website was crap but after talking to the women on the phone I decided that they were the company for us. Their rates were not the cheapest but pretty reasonable.

The movers were excellent. They showed up right on time with 4 ppl instead of the 3 (lots of stairs) and explained that is was $25/hr for the extra person but the price should wash with the time saved. Very professional and moved fast. No hidden charges, no long breaks.

My couch wouldn’t even fit in the door and the movers found a solution for us. It had to be brought two doors down, put over two fences and hoisted up to our second floor deck.

5 stars to the company. We are moving again and after reading all these horrible stories, I am pretty sure that I will be using them, even though we are in the west end, moving even more west and they are in scarborough.

Hi everyone, my name is Matt. I’ve spent a good 30 mins reading through most of your posts and its terrible to hear all these horror stories from your previous moves. But I just want to let you know there are alternatives. Usually the saying goes “you get what you pay for” in this business its true to some extent. Next time you book a mover make sure you do a little research in to see what kind of reputation they have also take a look at to see how these companies are rated.
Also, make sure they send you a confirmation with details on pricing and other charges so that way you have somthing tangible as proof to what you agreed on.

If you have any moving concerns please feel free to contact me aswell if you have any questions.
416 286 3422

Wishing you the best of luck with your next move!

Serving the greater toronto area for 26 years.

After reading the posts above on Desi Movers, I still feel the need to re-affirm to anyone who wasn’t convinced that they are complete scammers. They are criminals that prey on people in a vulnerable state by holding your goods hostage until you pay them a ridiculously inflated arbitrary amount that “Jason” dictates. It’s hard to believe this happens but I witnessed it first hand recently and was completely appalled. I was quoted a low hourly rate (that’s how they lure you in) and then charged almost 3 times what I was meant to pay. Don’t hire Desi unless you want to be scammed… because it will happen to you!

I just moved to a town house in Etobicoke from a condo in scarburough and I hired two small men with big hearts. Excellent services, on time and fast.

5 stars

416 773 0300

We moved with them recently in Toronto. The whole story sounds painfully similar to many of the above – a shameless never-going-to-be-kept promise of competitive hourly rate, no hidden cost, free moving supplies, excellent service, etc, etc.
And then:
– arriving an hour and a half late (despite it being their first move of the day)
– the signature to confirm starting time turns out to be signing a rip-off contract with conditions nobody in sound mind would agree
– taking more than 3 hours to load the truck with all the stuff (1bdrm) already waiting next to it, except a few heavy things
– holding all our stuff on the truck demanding us to pay a ridiculous amount of money coming from their ‘estimate’ – more than $500 for a half-a-block-away move after my husband and I did most of the job (except the heaviest furniture)
– a guy at the ‘office’ with no address swearing at us and threatening to take all our things to their storage if we don’t pay within 10 min.

It actually is very well organized money squeezing that happens (as I know now thanks to the postings) every day with so many people. I just can’t believe they can get away with such things here in Canada.
Is there a way to have the companies responsible? Why aren’t such practices illegal? – It doesn’t look like police is very helpful here, so there must be a lack of regulation in the field that definitely needs some.
Would Consumer Protection Agency be a choice? – they didn’t sound very enthusiastic during my first conversation with them, though.
Would writing to MP raise awareness about the issue and a need to do something about it?
I’d appreciate any advice or suggestion., please avoid them, they have charged me $1100 extra than the original quote $690.00. They have charge me for travelling time 1.5 hour each way, if I were driving from my house to there depot it will take max 35 min. They have charge me a flat rate of 6.5 hrs for 1.5 hour of work and they were gone with in 2 hours but still they have charged me 6.5 hours…the workers were very uncooperative and lazy, worst than that the ladies who answer the phone specially by the name of Rachel … OHHHH….very rude…unpleasant to talk to…good luck if you go with this company. Prepare $1000+ for extra payment. They have a sales man who comes and promise you that they will not change you for travelling time and they are a reputable company, please do not fall for that…

Yellow Self Storage and Can American Van Line are one and the same and still wrecking furniture all over the GTA. I’m trying to find the names of the owners so that I can sue them. If anyone know the owners, please post here. Is the company ran by the mafia? I wonder because they act like if they are untouchable.

Briefly, the locker where I had all my furniture stored was flooded by a leak on their roof. My locker and several in that location were flooded. No one called us. I happened to go to retrieve something otherwise I would have never known. Because they didn’t call, I wasn’t able to save my furniture on time and I have over $8000 in damages (mouldy furniture).

I called them several times and every time the reception stonewalled me; the manager didn’t returned my calls. I sent them a letter and I had proof that they had received it. When I was finally able to speak to the manager (accidentally the receptionist put me through), she lied to me saying that she never received it. I sent it again and never heard back from them.

My insurance company is obviously pushing me to get my money from them because they are saying that the problem was caused by a backed up stormed pipe on the roof. In any case whether I’m insured or not, I feel that Yellow is responsible because they should maintain their roof in good state of repair and they have been negligent in not calling me when the flood occurred. They also advertise clean and climate controlled storage NOT ‘leaky roof and 1 inch of water in your locker’ storage.

What I find unbelievable is that as I spoke to their receptionist about the flood she accidentally told me that not only the location my locker was in (Copeland) was flooded but another one as well. Just imagine how many poor people have gotten their stuff flooded and will never know until they move the stuff out because Yellow will never call them. If you have a locker there, please go check because when you’ll move they won’t admit to anything if it’s all dry.

I cannot believe that they are allowed to do business. I work in the interior design business and I worked for 20 years in television. I know a lot of people who need movers and storage. I’ll make sure that their name is mud.

Again, if any of you know the owners, please give me their names.


Xpress Movers.
A huge scam. Estimator low-balled it. Van far too small so they needed two runs, blackmail with the furniture hostage until we paid. And they ruined some of our furniture.
Website says insured, salesman say insured, back of contract says “NO Insurance sucker”!
Do not use these people!

Avoid Logan Movers at all cost. They were late by more than 2 hours, hung up on inquiring. The guys were like zombies and very unprofessional. On unloading they stopped the truck and refused to unload until I pay them which was twice as much they quoted me. This mover should be avoided.

After referring to this thread, I called Francis Movers (their self-promotion worked!). Besides sending an extra guy that I didn’t really need (though it definitely sped things up), it went very well. It seemed well-priced. The movers were a pleasant bunch, worked quickly and carefully … and best of all, they didn’t try to scam me!
I’d recommend.

Whatever you do don’t use These toronto based pirates underestimated, overcharged, damaged my furniture and basically held my good to hostage until I paid. DONT USE THEM. They don’t give a damn about complaints and apparently don’t seem to have any insurance.

I realize this is several years too late to be helpful to the original poster :], but apparently other people are still reading, so…

I had a reasonably positive experience with Tender Touch (and when you’re talking about something as inherently hellish as moving, “reasonably positive” is about as good as one can expect). I think they were maybe half an hour late, but the office phoned me ahead of my appointment to let me know. The time to complete the move was only slightly over the sight-unseen estimate. The only thing that got damaged was a piece of cheap ikea furniture, and it’s still totally usable. Everyone I dealt with was professional and courteous. Certainly no stolen items or ransom demands. All in all, one of my least horrid moving experiences :-).

I wished I had read this blog before hiring Triumph Moving Group for my move from Toronto to New York.
If you go on their website, it will look like a nice and clean company that has offices everywhere in North America. Fact: the “group” is actually one guy, Dennis, who gives an incredibly poor service.

On D-Day, movers arrive of course 1 hour late..fair enough, that happens to even the big professional companies. One driver and 2 guys in a Penske rental truck, one of the guys with his face stamped in the window because he is…sleeping. That sounds good! The guys are from some European country and can barely speak any functional English. So they start bringing boxes down, one by one, down from a third floor, and amazingly slowly . I realize soon enough I’ll have to jump in and carry 2-3 boxes at a time if we wanna get out of there.
Then when it comes to our 3500$ leather couches, am I not surprised to see the 2 fools (who have no moving experience whatsoever) toss the pieces along a tight starewell without a single piece of blanket covering them. I call Dennis (because he’s the only one I can communicate with in English) who replies that “there is no point in putting blankets before the furniture gets to the truck”. Of course!! Why does any other professional company bother with doing that anyways? Bottom line, my couches are scratched, and of course I got other damaged stuff.

These clowns don’t even carry a drill. So when a door needs to be removed, not only you’re the one who needs to figure it out, but who also has to run to the hardware store to get a screwdriver and remove the door yourself while your lazy movers comment on women’s behinds on the street.

Arrived in NY, Mr. Dennis has decided that he only takes cash payment and no longer Visa as was agreed and signed in the contract. So the storage won’t release the goods unless I come up with a ridiculous cash amount I haven’t planned for because that’s what Dennis instructed them to do. Either me or the independent storage company can’t get a hold of Dennis, his phone lines are disconnected and he won’t return emails. The guy at the storage says Dennis owes him money. “Their” website claims “they” have an office in Brooklyn..when you get to the address provided, you find yourself in front of a grocery…
Triumph Moving Group ( is a big fake, this company doesn’t even exist. The website fooled me in thinking I was dealing with real and experienced professionals. Just a case of gross missrepresentation I will report to consumer affairs…for whatever it’s worth. Please don’t get fooled yourself.

My recommendation is if you have the time, patience, proper help, etc, just learn to move by yourself. You’ll save money and worries at the only expense of being a bit sore the next day. Otherwise, thoroughly search for a well reputed and established company and just pay the price. You won’t regret it at the end. Whatever you do, don’t deal with Trimph Moving Group aka Dennis.

PS) He apparently operates also under Jazz Moving so beware.

MIRACLE MOVERS are simply the WORST.

I called them to set a moving date and time and they confirmed everything over phone. When the day came for move, they didn’t show up at their own set time. I had to call them several times and then they came 4+ hours late. They told me there would be 3 persons but they sent only 2.

Also, they were too lazy and took more than 10 hours to complete the moving of 2 bedroom apartment.

At the time of delivery, they simply asked me to pay them MORE money which we settled for, or they would take my all stuff with them and start billing me for storage.

I tried my best to argue with them that it was not their professional behavior, but that stupid guy called Jimi told me “Khan you would be in big trouble not only to pay MORE but also for STORAGE”.
I had no other option except to pay them FIRST what they demanded for.

I highly recommend to everybody PLEASE DO NOT use MIRACLE MOVERS at all. However, if you really need their services, ask them to send you the estimate in written on their company letter head and also demand for receipt of your payment. It would be easy for you guys if they try to cheat you for MORE money, you can take them to Ontario Small Court (IFF you have something written).

Good Luck.





CARL KARL 416-939-O777


GEORGE 647-894-6675


GEORGE 647-894-6675



I had a horrible experience two weeks ago with Miracle Movers. Half an hour after they should have arrived, I called the office and they rudely told me that I had to be patient, that they may be running late, and the guy basicaly hung up on me. One hour after they should have arrived, they called to say that they would be there in 20 mins. They actually showed up two hours late, screwing things up with the booked service elevators in both, the pick up and drop off locations. Needless to say, the property managers at both buildings were mad at me for not having done the move within the scheduled time frames. Also, although the two workers seemed quick at the beginning, later they started to work quite slow.

I had to wait for over an hour in the drop off location until there were elevators available. So at the time of paying, I said I would not pay for the time that they were not working because that was due to their negligence in arriving late. The guy in the office said screaming on the phone that I had to pay for the total time.
So, the move was nowhere close to “stress-free” or their behaviour close to “professional”, as these guys claim.


Posted September 5, 2008 at 2:27 pm | Permalink




CARL KARL 416-939-O777


GEORGE 647-894-6675


GEORGE 647-894-6675



Tippet Richardson is a great mover if you place more concern on quality than cost. their best drivers are Bill Pinnigar,Jim Corkum and Joe Bueller. if you want it done right request either one of these drivers and their crews…take care

Its unfortunate so many of you have had a bad experience and thank you all for posting your comments. After reviewing the complaints I too did some research and I came across a company called No Problem Movers. I spoke on the phone with a very professional sales person whom was more so interested in understanding what my requirements were rather than low balling me to get the job. I visited their website and I was impressed, I was more so impressed when the sales rep visited my home to do an on-site estimate and this way I was able to put a face to the name.Their rates are reasonable, too some slightly higher, but they did my job(4 bedroom house) flawlessly as some of the big guys in the moving industry. I would strongly recommend No Problem Movers, as a matter of fact being a CEO for a large firm I also got them to do my office relocation and that too went flawlessly. They are my mover of choice.

I-move Canada scammed me. I’m a single woman and the owner Andrew Ludzenks (he didn’t tell me his last name, but my lawyer found out) continued to lie to me several times. First of all, he pretends that he works for someone and continues to say he has to ask their permission, which is just his way of avoiding giving you firm answers. He was 2 days late picking up my stuff in Calgary. His movers showed up in a rental truck which was my first clue that he wasn’t legitimate. I gave his movers a $500 deposit (he would only take cash). Then, in Toronto he didn’t show up until 2 days later than he promised. The worst part was, I was alone and he showed up without my stuff. He intimidated me into giving him more cash, saying he wouldn’t tell me where my stuff was until I gave him cash. He waited while I took it out of my bank machine and I was quite terrified of him by that point. He then said he’d deliver my stuff that evening. 2 more days went by and he never showed up. I got the police to look into who he was and his real address. In any case, this pursuit worried him and he showed up at my house at 1am and handed me the keys to a storage locker. I had to hire another mover to pick up my stuff (an extra expense after I already paid I-move to do it). I’m happy to get most of my stuff back, but much of it is broken and my computer ($1400 desktop) and stereo is still missing. I thought about taking him to small claims court so this can’t happen to others. I haven’t decided if it’s worth it yet. My lawyer says there are many others he’s done similar things to. He’s very charming, so be careful of movers like him. Do your research. I thought getting a contract was enough, but he goes against the contract he draws up. Be sure to google the movers you use and do a background check.

i think we’re gonna have to run a PRstorm or crash this server, since the host does not bother answering his email and you can’t reply to SPECIFIC posts.

just some food for thought..

@Pissed off: Unless you’re from iMove Canada, to whom I’ve responded, I haven’t received any email from any movers. If that doesn’t work, give me a ring at (416) 948-6447 and I’ll hear you out.

A PRStorm or denial-of-service attack isn’t likely to work given the server and cache on this blog, which has handled deluges from Digg and StumbleUpon, and the fact that first-time comments are moderated. Underhanded, desperate tricks like that aren’t likely to win me over, either.

Just in case, I’ve logged your IP address.


Last week I hired a moving company called no problem movers, that was the problem! I was overcharged 230.00 had furniture damaged, they make you pay the overcharges while still having your stuff on the truck WARNING: I DO NOT RECCOMEND NO PROBLEM MOVER

We were very upset with Two Small Men with Big Hearts and would never recommend their services. We contracted with their packers to pack our valuables as they had said they would be guaranteed by doing this. We had many broken items including an antique chandelier that was so damaged it was shocking. They asked for the receipts of the repairs and cost of replacement of broken and damaged items but gave us a run around and never reimbursed us for our costs. I found one of the packers sound asleep on my sofa. The truck didn’t arrive at the destination for 3 days due to mechanical breakdown which meant they unloaded on a long holiday weekend when we had holiday plans.

I moved two days ago ..used ELIZABETH MOVERS from the back of RENTERS NEWS ..ALL I CAN SAY IS DON’T EVER EVER EVER USE ..YOU WILL BE SOO SORRY ..over priced and LAZY ..Broke 30 of my stuff ..JUST DON’T DO IT !!!! carry ur stuff on your back to your new place a taxi ..THEY ARE BEYOND BAD !! WORST MOVERS EVER

We went with Wild West Moving and Storage and were very pleased. We had three contacts who had also used them, they are a great small company. $95 for three men and a small truck (they did a couple trips since the move was not far). Also, there was no extra fees even though we moved on a Saturday at the end of the month.

I am responding in regards to the comments mentioned above by Christine on November 11, 2008. As a Senior Executive of this company I have looked into the above mentioned comment. We have moved someone by the first name of Christine in October and we were not informed by the customer about any pricing discrepancies or damages. We take extreme pride in servicing our clients and ensuring that they are fully satisfied. We are quick to resolve any issues and have a claim process that would have assisted the above mentioned client if they were not satisfied or had damages. I strong suggest that Christine contact our office directly about any outstanding issues as false representation or accusations against our moving services is defamation of our company name. Once again we take extreme pride in delivering to our clients and will continue to satisfy and live up to our name “No Problem Movers” where “experience is the difference”!

Tippet Richardson (they contract for Allied with whom I have no problem with, the trucker and movers were great) overcharged me $4000 on my $8000 across Canada move. They never got back to me for weeks while I called their East and West coast offices. The moving agent who came into my home to estimat the weight of my goods was the most useless, he never did anything when it is his job to handle my move. Then after Mastercard got involved, they retracted the overcharge just before my payment was due. They even charged me the estimate and not the actual charge…I still await that rebate. Cheaper is usually never better

I was ripped off by Ace Moving and Storage in Toronto, whose behaviour was criminal. At the end of January, I had to move some furniture from an apartment in an apartment building to an apartment in a house. The distance of the move was half a kilometer. I had a mover lined up for the move, but they canceled on me two days before my move. I called several other movers. “ACE Moving and Storage” aka “Alpha City Movers” aka “Stress Free Moving and Storage” responded.

Excerpt from their add
$30/hour 1 man with Cargo Van.
$45/hour 2 man with 14-16ft truck
$55/hour 2 men with 24-28ft truck
$75/hour 3 men with 24-28ft truck (ideal if you have lots of unpacked items, boxes or heavy items)
*3 hours minimum for all moving and labor jobs
Our Commitment:
Available 7 days a week 7am -11pm, we take calls till midnight
Experienced in handling fragile and delicate items
We are familiar with the city and we drive safe
Reliable, punctual and polite
Immediate response to your call
Contact Us: Stress Free Moving and Storage
Call us at (416) 878-6884
(905)- 781-8786”

Since it was so last minute, I talked to them on the phone several times. They reiterated frequently that their service was $45/hr, with one hour travel time. This was a total lie.

Here is my experience. I had to be out of the apartment that day. The movers show up, and immediately told me that they required a $300 cash deposit. In my discussions with the company, this had not been indicated. But they had me over a barrel and knew it. I gave them the $300, as that was the max that I expected the job to take.

It took them almost 2 hours to load the following into their truck. One sofa. One sofabed. One chair. A table and chairs. A kitchen dolly.

When they finally arrived at the delivery point, they sat in their truck for 30 minutes “making up the bill”

Here is what they charged me:

Labour: $220 (Note: 3 hours at $45/hr is not $220)

In the words of the mover, “We don’t know what the job will cost until it is finished”. In other words, they hold your belongings hostage in their truck until you pay them whatever random amount of money that they think they can extort from you.

Here are the additional charges:

Travel $88 – because, and I quote, ‘It is winter and my boots got wet”
Stairs $54 – I think they charged me $4 a stair
Heavy items $60 – w.t.f.? Furniture is supposed to be light?
KM $40 – they charged me $40 to drive ½ a kilometer from the pickup to the drop-off site
Dispatch Fee $40 – just a random extra $40 to extort from me

Total Bill with Tax = $567.20

We had an hour standoff, but since they were holding my belongings hostage, I had to pay up or lose everything. Since the arrangement was verbal and last minute I didn’t have other options.

Things to look out for in a mover:

When you call the company and they don’t answer the phone professionally, with the name of the company, it is most likely some random guy sitting in a Tim Hortons who has no ethics, and who is just waiting for the opportunity to rip you off.

Get a written estimate
Get references
Get their insurance info
As about what their “hourly fee” covers and get a written confirmation.

Otherwise, walk away. I am in a situation now of financial hardship because of these extortionist thieves.


“ACE Moving and Storage”
“Stress Free Moving and Storage”
“Alpha City Moving and Storage”


(416) 878-6884
(905) 781-8786
(647) 818-7861
(416) 677-1207

I read through this site before hiring a mover on the recomendations of a friend. Toronto Movers (also known as Joe The Mover).

I was quoted $85/hr, with 1 hour added as travel. This came with 2 guys and a 24 ft. truck. I later found out that they charge $65/hr if you move during the week.

They were supposed to be there for 9am this past Saturday. They showed up at 8:15am… and there were 4 guys… not 2.

They worked hard, and moved a large 2 bedroom apartment (2nd & 3rd floor, all stairs) into a 2 story house in 5 hours. They had no problem with my 51″ rear projection TV, or any other large pieces of furniture I had. All wooden furniture was either wrapped in plastic, or blankets. The truck was full. Nothing was damaged.

At the end of the job, I paid them for 5 hours of work, plus the 1 hour travel time: $510 plus tax. No hidden fees, no extra charges.

Well worth the money.

Toronto Movers: 416-652-6613

After reading many reviews I settled on either El Cheapo, or Tom Trucker.

Firstly I have to say I was disappointed with initial contact with both companies. I filled out a form online for El Cheapo to get a quote, and never heard back, but at least they answered the phone when I called.

With Tom Trucker I left 2 messages which were never returned (clearly stated my name and phone number twice each time, and saying that I was looking for an estimate), and even during office hours had a hard time actually getting a person on the phone (I also didn’t get any sort of confirmation call the day before, which made me a little nervous the day of the move since I saw one review that said they just never showed up, but they did).

I finally decided on Tom Trucker because El Cheapo didn’t have any plastic wrap and I was concerned about my leather furniture getting damaged if it wasn’t wrapped. Turns out Tom Trucker did have the plastic, but I didn’t notice until they were moving stuff into the new place that they hadn’t bothered to wrap anything except dressers so the drawers wouldn’t fly open.

Luckily, nothing seems to be damaged, though I was surprised that we didn’t have to sign any paperwork saying that they didn’t damage any walls or anything like that.

Overall, it was a decent move, but I’m not sure why everyone else raved about them so much (unless other companies are really so bad in comparison). They showed up on time, they moved our furniture, and they charged what they said they’d charge, with no extras for plastic wrap or wardrobe boxes. However, I never saw any drop clothes or protection blankets, they didn’t wrap any of the leather furniture, and at the new place, even though we had cardboard on the floor and clearly were trying to protect the floor, they were running the dolly on the bare floor off of the cardboard.

avoid L&G movers, logans moving and storage, or LG movers. They are the same guy, huge scam.

Where do I start.On feb 8th is when they came to move me out. It started with an ad that said “no hidden fee’s,no minimum hours , free storage, if we break it we pay for it, etc” . The people show up at my apt to move me out 3 hours late. They were dressed in grungy clothes and completley unprofessional, drinking beers while they worked constantly taking breaks.The manager said I was to get 10 free boxes and they would have all the moving supplies, would be with them, even cases for my clothes and dressers so nothing would get ruined. The guys tried to steal my appt’s big recycling box to store my stuff in because they had NO boxes or supplies with them at all. Then they charged me for the hours they were late. They wouldnt let me come to the site where my stuff was being held. Also the ad and the business card said “free storage” and the owner yelled at me and made me pay. They had my stuff so I was afraid not to because one of the workers said the boss dumps peoples stuff in random lakes and ditches if they do not pay.

When they came to move me in a different appt. on may. 12th, they were again, 3 hours late. They clearly did not manage their time well. They tried to charge me outrageous amounts again, saying it took them 6 hours to get there, and after they moved all of my stuff up I saw some things were missing. Suitcases with electronics in them, dishes, and even a table!That is theft. The boss refuses to talk to me or redeem me for any of my loses. Also, my dresser which was brand new, was beat to pieces, and looked terrible. They refused to give me my belongings unless I paid them so I was forced to, but things were missing. This business is conducted in the most unprofessional way I have ever seen. They destroyed my belongings and I am missing expensive, crucial things. On top of them being a bad business and not compensating me for everything that happened, they have stolen my property when they said it would be 100% secure.Also, they were trying to compensate me for ruining my dresser by giving me someone else’s dresser!

I found a new moving company “Discount Moving and Storage”… Seems to be good with theire fair prices – 65 hour + 1 travel. They put me in list of waiting for 2 weeks but I’ve been really satisfied with their job. They really very carefully with the stuff – blankets, bubble wrap etc. For 3 movers I’d pay 79$ and they moved my 2 bd in 4 hours!
I’m really recommend them to everybody. 416 8797960

ALPHA MOVERS are the best!

I’ve used them three times in the past couple of years, and will call them again. They never broke anything, and the price was surprisingly low.
416 704 3676

Lots of scams out there! I got scammed by Logan Movers, a.ka. L & G Movers, Preferred Movers, CMS and Complete Movers. I reported them to the Toronto Fraud Squad, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, and the Better Business Bureau. Will not stick to their quote, are late, move slow, and then will refuse to unload your stuff until you pay their inflated rate. And I just found out that two of their “employees” were recently caught on camera stealing belongings out of a clients’ storage room. They were charged and will be arraigned June 9th. Also, watch out for a guy named “George” with a Newfie accent. He seems to front these “companies.” Another thing I’ve noticed – one guy showed up and said his name was “Alex” – I notice a lot of “Alex’s” fronting these companies. Check out the BBB website, Homestars, Yelp and Ziplocal before hiring. You can also check out the CMA (Canadian Movers Association) who can also recommend a mover.

Wow, this is an old thread about moving, but still kind of active. It’s got links back to our old site. There’s some great review material here for the movers. Emerald Movers, mentioned above, is still one of the top movers on HomeStars, but there’re up to 67 reviews these days. Feel free guys to to and add the review onto Homestars. Help the next person out!


I had booked Miracle Movers for a move last Saturday but they simply did not show up. I called the office and a man said that they would call the van to find out where they are and call me straight back. Needless to say, he did not call, nor did he answer the phone for the rest of the afternoon.

It was just lucky for me that the new tenants were not moving in for a couple of days, so I had time to rebook another moving company and elevator slot for the following day. If this had not been the case I dont know what I could have done.

So……… if you want to book a company that actually turns up………… DO NOT USE MIRACLE MOVERS!!!!

I used Value Movers about a year to move 1km within downtown Toronto. They showed up on time, didn’t break anything. Flat rate for 1 bedroom, no hidden fees! 2 guys and 1 truck, about 150-200$, I forget… It took them about 2 hours I think, it was pretty fast! My standards are pretty low as it was a small and quick move, but I didn’t have any complaints.

Also, they may have changed name to (their phone number seems to be the same 416-648-3465)

Do NOT use “Friendly Movers Inc”…they are absolutely terrible. We had booked them (2 weeks in advance of the move date) for our moving and were told they would call us back 2 days before the move date to re-confirm the booking. When I didn’t get any call back, I ended up calling them back. To my surprise, they had gone ahead and cancelled my reservation with them 1 day before the move!! And they didn’t even bother to tell me this!!

Apparently their reason for doing so was that they did not like the fact that we had asked questions such as whether they were bonded/insured, what the cancellation policy was, etc. What the heck?!?

Aren’t consumers expected to gather as much information as possible to ensure that they are getting what they pay for? What kind of company are these people running?

On the same note, I told the owner that I, as a consumer, had every right to inquire about the company before paying any money (especially since I’ve never heard about this company before), including investigating for feedback online…if you look around, there is nothing online about this company at all!! This was sketchy to begin with already…I guess I should have trusted me initial instincts.


p.s. I’ve now heard similar complaints from this company from others as well…not trustworthy or dependable…

So WHO IS a good moving company? I am moving from Scarborough to Whitby at the end of July 09.

To the poster of comment 41, is your name Andrea or Ann? Or Tom Trucker? I ask as you have the identical comment posted at the link below (yes I’ve read a lot of websites) under the name “Ann in Distillery District”. Guess I won’t be using Tom Trucker, as that is highly suspicious.

Do NOT use iMove Canada. I ended up moving myself in the pouring rain! They did not show up on my moving day. After many attempts to reach them and they said they would call back, they stopped answering the phone, did not respond to emails and just did NOT show up. They haven’t called me to explain or apologize why, there is just no response. I would recommend that you say far, far away from this company and find a more reputable mover.


NEVER USE LOGAN MOVERS, they were the worst, for a move from 1 bed room to another 20 minutes away, first they did not show up on time, instead of 10 am, after 10 phone calls to the stupid owner they showed up 2 pm tired from their previous job already, their two young skinny weak movers did not speak english and kept looking at my lucnh like two freaking homeless hungry third world beggers that I had to share my lunch with them and ofcourse they never appreciated that, they wore shreded tank tops and smelled like shit, they took long breaks and ofcourse the big scam is they make you sign the contract before they start moving and in the contract the fine prints say charges for stairs as 10 cents per step!!!!! so how can you count that if the two skinny and stinky movers keep going up and down all the time??? anyway, they took 2 hours to load the truck and by the time we headed to downtown it was already rush hour so there is another two hours, and then unloaded to my new appartment which is in the main floor, so no steps charges here, finished in an hour and the exciting part of paying their charges came, they double charged me and the 350 became 800 and they locked themselves in the truck refusing to give me the contract I sigend and refusing to give me my furniture, I kept negotiating with their God Father on the phone till he dropped it to 700, but good thing that I made them lose a lot more business because of their scam behaviour, be happy logan scammers, you made 350 but you lost a lot lot more,

Do Not ever use Abroad Movers inc. These guys are fraud. I used them to move recently, when the agreed it was $42/hr minumum 3hrs, No other charges, no deposit and I am to pay at delivery at the destination in full after unloading;
There were 2hrs late to start with, they gave me a contract that just stated thier arrival time, how many ppl are there to move, the date, the location and destination, and their insurance obligation. But after putting my stuff in the truck they demanded $200, and if I dont pay they will not move the truck, I gave them the deposit as I needed to move that day and was already behind schedule. They also very very slow with their work!!!! So as protection for my stuff, I had a guy friend ride with them. On the way to my new home (which is only 20min away) they stopped for a 15min coffee break at Timmy’s. Finally when they arrived, they wouldn’t unload, they were doing the final bill. So when I questioned how do you know how long it going to take to unload they said they know it will take 4hrs. 4hrs!!! to unload 10boxes, a sofa and a bed…thats all I had….anyways they demanded I pay them for 2hrs for their travelling time, $1 for each step on my stair case (I got 15 in the new house) for each time they went up, in addition to the 7hrs work and GST and PST. I refused to pay them, I can’t afford to pay that much!! so they said they will drop everything in the main floor and leave but I still had to pay the rest, I still refused stating this was not part of my contract. When I argued they brought out another paper where they have written which had all these charges BUT it was not the paper I signed….when I asked where is the copy I signed they refused to give to me. So now they refused to give my stuff and until I paid them around $600; I ended up calling the cops, soon as they found out the police on their way, they basicly threw everything in my garage and left. When the police arrived I gave them the info and have filed a report with Consumer Report and Civil Court as well.


I wish I knew about Abroad before.I too got messed with these guys. Travel time, step charges,$200.00 down, I too was NEVER told about all this junk. They have got to be the WORSE moving company ever. I guess you got a deal, I was charged $48.00 per hour, but same mess as yours, wouldn’t unload, charged for charges NEVER talked about!!!

Before I tell you how good Agility Moving & Storage Ltd. employees are, I first would like to tell you how my last experience with movers was.
In 2007 I used a well known company “with Big Hearts”. They showed up over an hour late, they were rude (swearing at myself and my wife), they broke several pieces, and even stole from us.
After the experience we had with them we were very weary of using movers again. After calling several movers, we called Agility Moving & Storage. The sales rep we spoke with was John. He was very courteous and called us 3 days before our scheduled move to confirm. The team they sent showed up early and started promptly at 9 am. They were very careful and wrapped all my furniture. They moved me within my budget and when they unloaded the items into storage they worked carefully and fit it all in.
Agility moving and storage employees changed my thoughts of movers. I have since recommended them to all of my friends and will be calling them anytime I require a mover.

Their phone number is 416-654-5029

Ambrose from Toronto.

I used Alpha Movers last weekend . My co-worker used them before so he gave me the number. Nice guys , came on time were careful with my staff. Alpha Movers is not the cheapest company they charge $65hr +1 hr travel time charge but they worth it. Move went smooth . I would recommend this company

A friend used these Toronto movers and had very kind words about them. I also heard that AMJ Campell is a standard-setter, especially if money is not an issue.

Regardless of what we all recommend, you should do your homework by checking Google reviews, Homestars, talking to friends and so on to maker sure you don’t get a nightmare.

Good luck

Abroad movers ripped me off too! i was alone with and as a small woman they took full advantage tehy kept asking me if I lived alone! scary! they told me my total costs would be 135 and in the end they charged me another 160 to unload! I called the cops they cops would not show up! told me to sue them! I had to pay another 160 or they would of drove off with my belongings! they kicked all boxes marked breakable too! they did no work just smoked and chatted on their cell phones! the whole move took 2 hrs and they were 2 hrs late and charged me for those 2hrs..oh my god! the B.B.B! will not take my case because they gave me a fake business address! I am unemployed they basically stole my food money!..assholes! they are not even born in this country!

I recently used A&M Moving Services and they did a pretty good job. They’re not the cheapest out there but considering I had no problems, i didn’t mind the $60 per hour I had to pay them. Apparently they’re a smaller company and the owners actually help with the job, so the guy (Andy I think was his name) did his best to make me happy – probably that’s why I’m recommending them. Here’s their site

You are right. I should have seen this review before hiring ACE movers. I called ACE moving company after seeing their ad in craiglist. A guy answered the call looked polite. He told me 45 per hour for 2 men and truck + travel time. I was under the impression that 4 hrs for single bedroom within the same building at max would cost me $180 and i can tip them $20. Here is the scene.

We finanlised appointment for 11:30; i booked my condo elevator at 12:00. They turn in at 1:30, with only 1 hour of my elevator time left. After loading, they damanded $350 as deposit. I was schocked and they damanded immediate payment. I rushed to the ATM and got the CASH for them. Now they are supposed travel 200 meters to the next loading dock in the same building. As soon as i paid deposit, they are honest enough to start but only to stop and demand another 100 dollars do unload the truck. I said i will pay the cash in 10 min “please continue working as my elevator time is running out” in a very polite way. The Iraqi guy was very aggresive and told me You PAY first then i will start. I was pissed off and called his boss. He blamed me said that i was rude and cant argue with the kid. RULES are RULES. He also said that if i dont agree, they will just drop the items and go. I was helpless and rushed to ATM to get the cash.

Boss answers for the delay:

“We have other customers before you. We have to serve the first. So we were delayed by 2 hours”

They dont accept checks and credit cards as mentioned on the website. They take CASH only and charge GST also. But they never issue a BILL. This is criminal as CASH goes unaccountable.

My estimates”

4 X 45 per hour: $180
1 hour travel: 45
total: 225

Their charge $447

4 heavy items: $100 just for putting them in the elevator
2 hours travel time: $90
Labor charge for 5 hours: $230

They charged me for their delay.


I did a bunch of reserch and found Agility Moving & Storage. Thank GOD I found these guys, they made moving my 3 bedroom a breeze!!

Our last movers hijacked our stuff until I paid the $500.00 on top of the bill. (2 small men I think was their name)

I half expected the same thing to happen again, but payment time came and there were no hassles.

They moved us in less time I figgured it would take, and talk about friendly workers. They always smiled and were polite to us, strangers, and each other.

The price they charge is far too little for the service that they provide.

We definatly recommend their services.

Their contact info is 416-654-5029

NEVER BOOK WITH 2 SMALL MEN WITH BIG HEARTS. They upped the price significantly upon arrival and then refused to leave my apartment until I paid the new price. The pirates even sat on my tv and told me that they would take it with them unless I paid. So, what does this make them? Pirates!!!! On the bright side, one of the movers actually cried when discussing what a horrible thing he was doing. Thanks ‘dean’ (he changes his name for moves to try and prevent people from tracking him down).

i don’t know about imperial but recently i had a good experience with rightmotion movers ( they moved all my furniture and valuables with lot of care. they came to my house at exact time of appointment sharply at 10:00 am and they completed the work before an hour and saved my money. they charged me 65$/hr. they were polite and took the exact amount they qouted in their website.. i would strongly suggest this movers.

Hi Jane I visited website but website does not show same address you typed it goes to I am not expert of internet but I do not want to go in wrong hands if someone else is using exactly same name or duplicate website, I was searching Ontario business listing it shows Right Motion Inc. but there is no website. Anyhow thanks I will try again to search Google to see what happen. Thanks anyhow

Hi Angelia
That is called Redirection of website I went to and I also noticed that website redirected me or further I noticed it takes you automatically, Just for your knowledge these are called sub-domains, nothing to worry about that. However I did not move with any of these companies but I know one number they are small do not have company name but work good, his name is SAM, he will be happy if you tell him Adam gave this number.
Unfortunately poor guy does not know web stuff like you, even emailing is hard for him, you can call him I have this number 416-477-9096

DO NOT USE MIRACLE MOVERS. Tthis was absolutely a horrendous experience from front to back. I cannot get into the full story because it would take me hours to type how much crap my husband and I had to go through on the day of our move, so here are the main points:

-after booking Miracle Movers I came across some negative reviews on here about them showing up late, or not showing up at all.. I started to get nervous so I called the company and asked to speak to the owner Eugene so he could put my mind at ease that none of this would happen. In speaking to Eugene he said not to worry and that the movers would show up on time with the right size truck between 8 and 9a.m. the next morning.

-The next day came and my worst nightmare came true, and instead of arriving on time they came a whopping seven hours later and arrived at 3:00 IN THE AFTERNOON!!!

-They brought a truck half the size they promised us. We have a 3 bedroom house, they sent a truck for a 2 bedroom apartment – dont believe the pictures on their website, you wont be recieving the trucks they promise you, and I guaruntee those aren’t even pictures of trucks they own.

-My neighbour had to bring our remaining stuff to us the next day, 3 hours away (Cambridge all the way to Bracebridge area).

-We had to pay for the extra truck rental time the new owners of our house incurred because of the seven hour delay – $500, and they were not able to move in until the next morning

-The movers were finally done at our new home at 2 a.m. the following day

-In disputing the original bill the following day I was told by Eugene (THE OWNER OF MIRCALE MOVERS) that someone from ‘Customer Service’ would call me, but instead, I recieved a call from one of the movers, Dimitri, who proceeded to scream at me for 10 minutes, threaten me, and exclaim that God would harm my children if I didn’t pay in full that day. He actually wished harm upon my unborn children!!! And it was at that point I called the police and they spoke to him directly, cautioning him that he could go to jail. So, what happens is that EUGENE doesn’t pay his movers until they collect the total bill. He holds them accountable and then they have to threaten the customer in order to get paid by Eugene. THAT is how Mircale Movers they deal with their customers.

-Bottom line, this company is run by criminals who should be in jail for the way they mistreat their trusting customers (and their overworked and what I can only assume to be illegally employed staff for that matter). I cannot say anything else other than to STAY AWAY FROM MIRACLE MOVERS. DO NOT GO NEAR THIS COMPANY UNLESS YOU WANT TO HAVE AN EXPERIENCE LIKE THIS. They are horrible and should be put out of business for good. Do not give these criminals a dime of your money. Do not be lured by their competitive prices, they are low for a reason!!!

And Eugene, feel free to respond to this should you feel the need, but you know EXACTLY what happened. And the fact that I actually trusted your word is what sickens me the most and makes me feel so stupid. You are a horrible person who takes advantage of your trusting customers and your company will not be around much longer if I have anything to do about it.

Read very important: ::::::: Do not be Fool :::::::::
First Read the whole subject very important for you. I do S.E.O search Engine optimization, do not mention website address as example is my site it helps us Rank up pages in Google and in other search engine, Even when you write bad company so and so it still helps them.

You are not happy from so and so what makes it difference? People search mover or best mover etc. Google give them result, and you are helping further to achieve this goal, Negative marketing is another way called RMT Reversible Marketing Tactics, Your story does not make any difference at all.
If you write their Name is still not accept able, but yes thanks for writing if not all then at least DO NOT EVER WRITE THEIR WEBSITE ADDRESS. Hope you understand this.
Do not give free marketing, one bad thing happen to you, second you are still promoting free marketing. Do not get me wrong, I just advising what I know. thanks

Used a great company named Moving Titan based out of Brampton.Very polite staff from the female agent answering the calls to the movers themselves.What you are quoted is what you pay and no hidden fees with this company.

I had a wonderful experience with my movers – Orbit International Movers (

They were professional, quick, polite, flexible (my date kept changing, no problem) and reasonably priced. I would work with them again in a heartbeat.

Just moved today and kind of wish I could do it again 🙂

I wish I had read the comment about Miracle Movers. Don’t rent them. It cost me almost $500 by the end of the whole move. They were very slow and did not do much work. My friends and family moved a lot of my furniture and boxes into the truck. I was only moving one block over and even with me giving them direction they ended up going the wrong way and getting lost…… Needless to say they charged me for their incompetence in getting lost. Don’t use them, save yourself that big regret.

Wow. This is such an amazing forum. Great job guys.

Thanks Agnes!!
I’ve just used A&M Moving recently (as suggested by you) and it went well. No “extra” fees added, other than the (slightly increased) hourly rate. They’re now charging $65 mid-month/$75 end of month but there were no surprises.

Thanks again everyone and please keep the comments coming – that way we can hopefully put the bad guys out of business


We used Agility Moving & Storage for our move in late June. I would rate these guys the best workers I have EVER hired.

The office staff was very courteous and informative and friendly. They answered all my question and I didnt feel like they were rushing me through the booking.

The moving crew was just plain awesome. The moved our 4 bedroom home (which was quite full) in 12 hours. The had all the right equipment and didn’t damage a single thing. They were courteous to me and my wife, but also to each other, which was nice to see.

They have very reasonable rates and I have already referred them to a friend. We have found our movers for life!!!

Their contact info is as follows:

phone: 416-654-5029 website:

Give them a try, you will be happy with their work.


I just wanted to take the time to write a quick review for Adrian the Mover. I used him for a household move that was a little tricky due to my grandmother’s antique furniture and baby grand piano that they had to move. The BBB actually recommended these guys to me! They have an A+ rating with the BBB after more than 20 years of being in business. The team was so nice and helpful, they were on time, packed everything carefully and expertly, and moved all my antique furniture and piano with no damage whatsoever. I was very relieved! They finished on time and on budget. I also recommended them to a friend who did an office move and they were very happy with them too, they worked over the weekend to minimize the business’s downtime, and reset up the office in hte new location. You can see or call 416-944-2018. Hope this review helps someone!

Hi all,

Does anyone have a comment on Rawlinsons Movers. We are thinking of using them for our move out of the province




They go under multiple registered companies: SMS Movers, Golden Bear among others

Avoid Highland Moving Systems in the Toronto area. Quote was under by 23.3%, showed up 1 1/2 hours late, packers never packed before, complained, needed many cigarette breaks, and i had to tell them they missed packing drawers and cupboards in the kitchen. Insisted on payment before they would start to pack and then several days later denied having payment and delayed our shipment. Did not get necessary papers for crossing border, used old boxes that lost their integrity, once they delivered would not respond to phones calls or emails. They had many many excuses-basically calling us liars and kept telling us how good they were, and that it was a 3rd generation business. Don’t see a future for the fourth generation if this type of “service” continues. What a nightmare!!

My name is Pam and I wanted to leave a comment on the services of Agility Moving. I was referred to Agility from my boss who had found them online. This moving company is the best in Toronto! After hearing from my boss how good their services were, I visited their online address ( ) and saw for myself how well they protected other peoples furniture, so I called them and after speaking with one of their staff I decided to hire 3 men from them.

I can honestly say that from beginning to end they were great, very forthcoming of the process of moving and how payment broke down . Their rates were fair and the movers were terrific. They moved very fast, and wrapped all my stuff. Their were no damages to any of my items or either of my residences.

I highly recommend this company as they truly are the best. Their phone number is 416-654-5029. Their web site is and email is This is a company that should be on your call list.

Parkdale, Toronto

I read the post about Tom Trucker, they are amazing. Best movers I have ever used!nThe moved my whole apartment for $192 including tax! They wrapped-up all of my stuff and they didn’t break or scratch anything! They had special containers for my clothing and they laid special pads on the floor to protect them.
I will certainly use Tom Trucker again the next time I need to move!

Do NOT use MULTICITY MOVING. They are the worst moving company I have ever dealt with. They broke stuff even before it got on the truck, and then hid other broken things so I couldn’t see them until after they left, and refused to sign a receipt at the end of the move. They refused to pay any of the damage, and the owner Abraham Avanus told me to F*** Off.


I used King’s Transfer Van Lines last year and they were fantastic! It was what I consider a fairly large move from Woodstock to Brampton. From the first contact with the salesman to receipt of the invoice, everything was perfect! I was invoiced EXACTLY what the initial estimate was, they showed up on time and delivered on time. Four very polite movers, one huge truck and nothing was damaged or broken. They have offices all over the place but I think their head office is in Mississauga or somewhere near Mississauga:
Here is their website:

i had innercity moving move a 1200 pound safe that was at dads shop a couple weeks ago. Some of my friends and i tryed but couldn’t even budge it, the owner came in with a well organized crew and propper equipment and had it on the truck in 20 minutes. i was astonished at how efficiantly they opperated was very pleased with the service.

A&D movers is the best hands down. On time and no travel charges in Gta.
2 hour minimum,that means two hours of full work.
Rates include Hst,gas and labour-cant beat it.


Stay very far away. If your not a fan of overpriced, lazy, slow and inefficient movers then do not hire this company. I expected much more when they sent over two huge guys for such a small apartment move. It took them all day and we paid way more then quoted because of it. Never again Miracle Movers, its a miracle you’re still in business..

My wife and I spent 3 weeks trying to find movers for Brampton to Toronto.
We called so many companies and it felt like every single one of them were fishy and didn’t seem to be professional at all.

I ended up using Bazinga Movers LTD.
They were the only company that picked up the phone with a professional manner.
They told me all the cost assosiated with my move.
They arrived 20 mins early, they were fast and very friendly.
To anyone looking for HONEST toronto movers,

Try Bazinga Movers LTD – 647 400 4000

I really hope everyone can have a pleasent move like I did.
Good luck to all!!!
Safe move!

These guys are terrible. They take your money $3,500 by the way, won’t contact you back. No sense of urgency when it comes to moving your stuff to destination, and last but not least indignant when you call to find out where your stuff is.

Add ASR Moving Services (or ASR Movers) to the list of scam artists.
2 Leading Rd., Etobicoke. 416-871-6100 or 647-405-2007. They advertise of craigslist and kijiji.

Seems like Agility Moving has a lot of fans on this site. But it seems more than a little suspicious that ALL the reviewers care enough to put in the website address and the contact number. Are they written by someone at the company??

Moving Companies – get a written contract signed by you and the moving company rep. If you get suckered into paying more $ that can or can not be explained, get them to sign the contract (your copy and theirs) that you paid (amt) more $.
If they do that to me, I will be calling 911 and have them charged with robbery. I always winder if the drivers are collecting extra pocket case unbeknown to their boss. Some bosses I am sure are in it too! That is why you want to have them sign. They dont sign that you handed over extra cash, they dont get the money and youhave no way to follow up in court if you want to seek damages. Thanks for the heads up ppl. Just cause I talk here doesnt mean I wouldnt have fallen victim to this if I hadnt done my homework!

Check the Better Business Bureau and Chamber of Commerce to see if the movers you want to avoid are on there. I called 4 friends who recently moved and heard negative and good. Trust me, the good will be getting the phone call!

We used Agility Moving this past weekend. They were good, didn’t damage a thing, competitive rates, friendly workers. I’ll use em again mostly because of their up front billing.

I just moved using Bazinga Movers whom I found on Kijiji.

I moved from an apartment (Brampton) to an apartment in Markham.

Bazinga Movers were very friendly, on time and did a great job.

They honestly made my move stress free!

here is their contact number to anyone looking for honest movers.

Bazinga Movers – Office – 416 824 1366
Line 2 – 647 400 4000

Thanks Bazinga Movers!!!

The previous comment about Pardes Mover by Lamb is absoutely correct. They were slow and they have blacking mailing attitude. First they loaded all stuff on the truck and then asked for cash payment. Afterwards they left without finishing and left the stuff lying in the loading area.

Wow the comment on Pardes movers is bang on the money. DON’T CALL THEM! They quoted me 166 over email, came and loaded my stuff onto the truck and then demanded a total of 440 DOLLARS for various fees. When we got to my new residence they left all of our stuff in the loading area and my wife and I had to move it. DO NOT EVER CALL PARDES MOVERS IN THE GTA. THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF.


These guys charged us $200 over the quoted, and GUARANTEED price which they had even provided to us in writing in a contract. When we complained about them not meeting their contract, they falsely claimed we added items to the move that were not previously there during the time of quote and then lied about us saying we had said we were not going to take some of the larger items with us (like our $4000 piano which was brand new and we would have absolutely no reason to leave behind). They damaged MULTIPLE ITEMS (including our piano, leather couch, hardwood floors, etc) and were completely unprofessional and unprepared for the move. They refused to let us file a claim saying they investigated and decided they would not cover it. They did not come see the damage, refused to view the pics we took and the investigation entailed the manager asking me to hold for two secs while he asked the 3 young guys who moved us if they did it, to which they replied “no”. That was the entirety of their “investigation”. We had ABSOLUTELY no recourse for getting the damages fixed or to get the overcharge money back. We filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau and they failed to even respond to the complaint despite numerous warnings. We then found out that the web address on the back of the contract they provided for filing claims, belonged to a completely independent company and they were using it illegally!!! This is BY FAR the worst experience I have ever had with any company!

A follow up to a previous disrecommendation of Highland Moving Systems in Ontario, objecting to the packers/movers, the office staff, and the owner. Years later, having just made my own cross-country move, I found the office staff helpful and polite, and the packers/movers friendly and careful (only one piece of cheap stemware arrived damaged out of an entire household of possessions). Regrettably, I also found the owner remains precisely the lowlife described by the prior post. Upon arrival of my possessions, I discovered he had not only taken it upon himself to raise the price of the move the contractually permitted ten percent over the original estimate with no explanation, but arbitrarily tacked on more than an additional $700 atop that. No, that is not a typo: an approximately 3/4 grand overcharge. In the process, he refused to recognize a written promise from his company’s own estimator that the price could not exceed the estimate plus ten percent, and of course threatened to have the driver withhold delivery unless I consented. Most galling, not only did the owner attempt to bully me into paying the outrageous markup, but insisted it was his legal prerogative to engage in this sort of thievery and that I was either an idiot or in the wrong, morally and legally, to object. Fortunately, both my attorney and the legal department of Highland’s affiliated company begged to differ, and my possessions were released to me within a matter of hours for the price of the original estimate. Plus the ten percent, still without any justification. So in short, you will get a good price from Highland, and what seems to be vastly improved service compared to a few years ago. Be prepared, however, for a fight with a company operator of very, very low scruples if you want your possessions delivered for anything close to the agreed upon price. And when he blusters at you indignantly about how his company is a long-established family-owned business (as he did to me, like he did to his prior victim who posted here all those years back), remember: the same can be said of the mafia.

I moved 4 times in past 2 years. My last one was such a nightmare, I just warn anyone who’s planning to use movers.

I used Jia Jia Moving on October 29th, 2011
************* Read their contract carefully!!! You have to pay in full BEFORE unloading. (How do you even know how long it will take?)

Brief description of the job:
2 bdrm condo: 1 Queen size mattress, filing cabinet, 30″ old fashioned TV, baby dresser, 3 book cases, gliding chair, sectional sofa, 46″ flat TV, TV stand, electric piano, glass detachable dining table, IKEA desk (detachable), Canadian Tire pantry, 2 small book cases, small batch and about 40 boxes (I tried everything in the boxes so that it will be easier to move with a dolly).

The movers showed up at 1121 Steeles Ave. W.
I sat in the corner of kitchen trying to stay out of the way.

2:30pm – 3:30 pm
I was surprised to see how many boxes are still left and none of the furnitures went out. Only one of the movers was actually doing work and the other one (Wilson Shao??) was in the master bedroom for quite a while. First I thought he was covering TV or mattress with blanket but when I went into the room, I didn’t see any changes except for maybe a few boxes were stacked.
So I went downstairs to see if there is any problem with the truck and saw only about 20-30 boxes moved after 1.5 hours. At this point, I felt alert and called Mary at Jia Jia to notify the situation and asked if I can get other movers or other solution. She gave a call to the driver and things got even worse. He started complaining that I called in and he slowed down even more.
My husband started moving stuff.

The truck arrived at my new place which is only 10-15 minutes away.

Immediately, the driver asked for full payment. He estimated the finishing time as 6:30pm.

After some argument, we paid him $400 and told him start moving.

HE REFUSE TO MOVE A SIGNLE ITEM TO UPSTAIRS. He just left everything including mattress in the living room and kitchen.

After 1/3 through he wanted a full payment before doing any work. HE ASKED FOR $624 AT THIS TIME.

I had to go to attend my 3-year-old son who was waiting in the car parked next door.

6:30 pm

The movers left.

My husband had to let them go because the driver said the moving will be done at 7:30 pm. At this point, the driver gave some money back (THIS IS THE AMOUNT ON THE INVOICE) and left remaining items on our drive way.


My family and I just moved used Bazinga Movers who we found on Kijiji.

They were honestly to good to be true.

They arrived early, wrapped all my belongings and put each piece of item where
I wanted. They were also very affordable.

I would recommend Bazinga Movers to anyone in Toronto looking for honest movers.

Thanks Bazinga!!!

I had the most HORRIBLE experience with Delivery Pro, aka Pardes Movers Ltd. They seem to post ads under various company names, with the same phone number – 647-764 5827 .
The driver surprised me when he advised me he would not unload my belongings from the truck unless I gave him cash. I called the owner saying I normally paid after receiving the service, not before, however, he was very rude and told me they were not unloading unless I paid upfront. Was not happy with my offer to pay part of it upfront as a sign of a good will. Was extremely rude… The driver left my belongings on the driveway and speed off. Some of the items were damaged.
Here is the link to his website, posted in the ad I responded to. It is no longer posted, my guess is he had too many complains.
And here is one of the ads he has posted now. Both are advertising under the same number, who knows how many more names they are using. Noticed that the address for each of many ads they have on kijiji is different. The owner said his name was Jacob. Be aware of anyone using 647-764-5827

I have a business and needed to move to a larger location and in an extremely short period of time. The moving company that provided my services were not only responsive, polite and professional, they also got the move done in a very organized fashion. I believe that many people are disappointed in moving companies because at the end of the move they always want a “better deal”. If you pay the bill, you will not have any issues. Bazinga Movers quoted me AND listed their prices on their website and I had absolutely no issues at all!!! Bazinga Movers, you saved us and for that… I thank you!! Your guys did an amazing job!

If anyone needs to contact me if you’re unsure of the legitimacy of this post, please feel free to contact me at


I would recomend Miracle Movers – About 2 weeks ago they moved me from Toronto to Detroit. I had not issues, all was calm and good coordinated. The move was done in 2 days, one day they came and load my stuff to truck, next day they were already to Detroit, no waiting for a lot of days. I have not required packing service from them as I all packed myself, so can not say anything how they do packing. But when they come they checked everything what was packed to me and added their protected materials. Very proffesional loading, and very proffessional driver.


• Harass You To Pay More
• Show Aggressive And Rough Behaviour To Customers
• Tons Of Hidden Charges
• Do Not Inform About Actual Rates on Phone
• Threaten You to Get Sued in Court
• Threaten to Unload Items from the Truck on the Road


Google for “Pardes Movers” and you will see their company site.
Previous victims have also mentioned that this “father-son” business had their license once terminated due to fraud and cheating on customers.

Agree, I used Miracle Movers. No issues, wel I can say there service is 4,5 not 5 rating, but the movers were hard working, polite, and professionally trained. The loading and unloading were fast and efficient. I enjoyed the customer service as well as movers’ job.

Another “DON’T DO IT!!!” for Highland Moving of Whitby ON. Scumbag guy who runs the place tried sticking us up for hundreds $ extra (looks like 700’s his favorite number) if we wanted our stuff back, and acted like it was his right to do it…wish we’d looked here sooner, or at the google reviews saying the same thing. AVOID!

DO NOT use GTA Moving Guys

I hired GTA Moving Guys based on the reviews on Homestars. My move date was June 30, 2014. The morning of June 30, 2014 they sent me an email (didn’t even have the courtesy to call) saying they were not going to come out because a few of their guys didn’t show up for work.

Left me in a panic obviously. And I still have not got my deposit back.
If they can do it once they can do it again. I would never use these guys, if you do good luck.


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