It Happened to Me

Happy 23rd Anniversary, AKMA and Margaret!

AKMA (one of the co-officiants at my upcoming wedding) and his wife Margaret are here in Accordion City on a little getaway to celebrate their 23rd anniversary, which falls on this very day.

Photo: AKMA and Margarent Adam, on the beaches in Toronto.

They spent the earlier part of yesterday hanging out with Michael O’Connor Clarke and the evening hanging out with Yours Truly. AKMA’s already blogged it.

Congratulations, AKMA and Margaret! I enjoyed hanging out with you last

night and I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Accordion City! See you folks in September!

One reply on “Happy 23rd Anniversary, AKMA and Margaret!”

Joey, thanks for an evening we’ll never forget — only wish Wendy could have been there, too. . . .

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