
Oh, What Terrible Things Happen to Comic Books When Slang Changes…

This Archie comic is even more unintentionally hilarious that the old Batman comic that kept using the word “boner” over and over:

Photo: Cover of an old 'Archie' comic with an unfortunate double-entendre.

They’re beat off, all right: disoriented and blind in one eye!

If Xeni Jardin, BoingBoing’s queen of all matters related to rumpy-pumpy doesn’t link to this, I shall be severely disappointed. And then I’ll have to “beat off” the blues.

7 replies on “Oh, What Terrible Things Happen to Comic Books When Slang Changes…”

Actually, I didn’t. That’s hilarious enough to merit getting posted tomorrow! Thanks for the link!

The phenomenon is quite widespread. I’m pretty sure it’s not intentional but I can think of several comics that have used “Wank” as a sound effect.

Quite reputable ones too 🙂

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