It Happened to Me

Overheard at the Bank Today

In the age of ATMs and internet banking, there are few reasons for me

to drop by my bank branch, but talking to a manager about a line of

credit and mortgages is still — thankfully — a high-touch

“face-to-face” kind of thing.

While flipping through The Economist (the issue with oil as the cover story) in an easy chair in the waiting area, I overheard two suits by the ATMs:

Suit 1: “I gotta stop watching porn, man. If I keep watching it, I’ll never be able to have normal sex again.”

Suit 2: “Yeah. I know what you mean.”

I was reminded of the old article from The Onion titled Romantic Comedy Behavior Gets Real-Life Man Arrested and I wondered: do people who watch too many “chick flicks” and “romantic comedies” get turned off normal dating?

Here’s a recent posting from MetaFilter that’s related:

(all links safe for work) Some

once hypothesized that as pornography became more accessible and more

mainstream, men in turn would become uncontrollable, ravenous sexual

beasts. I always thought this myself: a man will see something in porn

that a real woman won’t give him—Internet porn now caters in a click to

every fetish you can imagine—and he will find a way to get it.


My ex-girlfriend, observant and intelligent beyond her years, always

used to tell me the opposite: it wouldn’t turn men into beasts, having

their way with every woman they saw. No, it would turn them away from

women completely, libidos and their ability to connect with real

females weakened by the hardcore acts and impossible bodies that only

porn stars could give them. The porn would crave some intrinsic desire,

but leave both people in the couple lonelier and less fulfulled.


Now I think she was absolutely right.

One reply on “Overheard at the Bank Today”

Yes, you both are absolutely correct. Our “advanced” culture probably has the highest numbers of self-doubt, self-loathing, self-bashing – and we do it to each other too. Highest instances of mental illness.

I used to think that the other cultures mentioned were more repressive, but only recently am starting to see the thinking behind their actions. Not that I’m going to don a head scarf any time soon, but the mystery, the unseeable is a big driving force in the erotic, and therefore loving, relationship. To paraphrase the saying “don’t give the cow away…. “

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