A couple of Friday nights ago, I attended Girlesque, yet another local burlesque/vaudeville show hosted by my friend, Mysterion the Mind Reader. Here are some photos from the event (they’re all safe for work):
Ah, the dance of the seven veils!
You can see video of the dance here [4.8MB, QuickTime].

This poor goth was a bit freaked out by Mysterion’s “PK (psychokinetic)
Touch” trick in which he touches her back while standing across the

Mysterion was one of the finalists for a contenst held by the local
alt-rock radio station to find Toronto’s biggest freak. One of the
other finalists, a burly fella by the name of Professor Orbax put on a great show. Here he is, shoving a power drill up his nose:
Here’s Orbax, after havig been wrapped in Saran Wrap by a professional
dominatrix, announcing that he will now attempt to escape as
cross-dressin’ Chris holds the mic (yeah, we have a lot of odd people
here in Accordion City):
I’ve got two video’s of Orbax’s escape from the Saran Wrap:
And finally, the stomach pump trick. Orbax first drank some yellow
liquid then used the pump (which fed a tube running up his nose and
then down his esophagus) to inject blue liquid into this stomach. He
then used the pump to extract the liquids from his stomach (now a
sickly green) to fill two glasses — one for him and one for Mysterion:
After the show, Mysterion came up to me, grabbed me by the lapels and screamed, “I drank some guy’s BILE, Joey!”
“Sounds like a typical Friday night for you, dude,” I said.

The show was punctuated with some classic vaudeville humor by the
comedian known to most people only as “The Wolfman”. He’s hilarious,
and he greeted me with a hug after the show. Wolfie, we have to do a
song-and-dance routine for the next show.

Curtain call! Here are two photos of all the performers taking a bow.
Mysterion was extra-kind that evening: during curtain call he said “I’d
also like to thank Joey deVilla, the Accordion Guy, for attending
tonight — he’s in the audience, but we hope to have him onstage for
the next show. Give it up for Joey!”
Thanks, Mysterion, and yes, I’d love to perform at the next one!
6 replies on “Scenes from "Girlesque"”
I can’t help but think of Napoleon Dynamite when I watch the first video!
Wow, its hard to believe I went to high school with the same Great Orbax.
HELLOOOO, Joey!! Dr. Mysterion built me a voice activated computer!! It reads and spells for me!! ARROOOO!!
I’m not sure I actually hugged you AFTER the show. I think it was during intermission. Still, I’d hate to split hairs, especially considering that I’ve got A LOT of them, and that would probably take FOREVER!
Also, I think you’re a bit confused about me being a comedian. I just help around backstage, onstage, beside the stage… and at the buffet table. Most of the time, I don’t even get jokes let alone say them.
I’d love to do a song with you! Do you know any Howlin’ Wolf? Haaaa-hoooooo!! Maybe I am funny after all… hee hee
Anyway, have a WONDERFUL wedding!! My absolute best to you and your bride (Dr. Mysterion didn’t make this bride for you, did he? ‘Cause he still hasn’t made mine! Nah… you probably got her by playing her that Pizza Nova song Dean Martin sang). And I hope nobody gets you a chamber pot, but I do wish you all the best. Chamber pots being lucky? ridiculous! If you rub buddha’s belly, yeah, you might win some money. But if you rub the bottom of a chamber pot… you’ll probably spill something onto yourself when you turn it sideways! But, then again, if they do mean good fortune in the Phillipines, then I DO respect that. OH, MY GOSH!! I just had a great idea!!!! I’m a bit shy, so, Joey, could you come with me to the head office of the makers of Lucky Charms and help me pitch this idea: Chamber-pot-shaped marshmellows in every bowl — in the Phillipines!! White ones!! Gonna be rich!! ARROOOOOOOO
AWESOME! LOOKS GOOD!! Was curious when more video clips of the show will be posted? *I’m the marionette with the card dance* Just curious and keep me posted! đ Looks great so far. Can’t wait to see more!
Queen of Blood and Filth,
Demonica de Morte
Hey, Demonica! Welcome to the blog.
That was all the video I managed to shoot. I’ll get more next show, promise!
BME has a really good interview with Orbax. Fascinating guy.