
"My Eyes are Nailed, But Still I See"

My friend, writer-of-creepy-tales and ghoulie-rocker Brett Alexander Savory, has a new novella which he co-authored: My Eyes are Nailed But Still I See, published by Delirium Books. Here’s the blurb from its page:

Johnson Milhone’s mind is a world unto

itself—maybe several worlds. Therapy doesn’t penetrate, but nails do.

Leather doesn’t sew easily, and pigs don’t talk—but don’t tell Johnson.

Enter a world where spiders stalk sentient stuffed animals that may or

may not be carved from the flesh of family members who may or may not

be psychotic killers, slaves, and sadistic torturers. Find new uses for

lime green Jell-O and lose it as a viable dessert. Find new darkness in

Poe’s Pit and the Pendulum

and dine at the best table at the Fear Factory. Learn why you should only keep toothpicks

in the drawer if you really trust your mother, or your brother, and never—ever—fish in Scotland at Midnight. My

Eyes Are Nailed, But Still I See is the culmination of an odyssey through a warped young

mind that leads one way, and then another, through gruesome imagery and psychotic

delusion to an ultimate truth you will never see coming.

(Hey, Brett! I think you should make “Never fish in Scotland at midnight” T-shirts!)

Brett has a deal with Delirium Press: if 200 or more copies get sold,

they’ll do a trade paperback run next year, which means the book will

stay in print. Since I like supporting my friends’ creative efforts and

enjoy a good creepy read to boot, I’m placing an order and also

plugging it here.

If you’d like a closer look at the book, the authors have provided an excerpt that you can download [PDF, 40K].

One reply on “"My Eyes are Nailed, But Still I See"”

I really hope it hits that 200 mark, so I can get it in paperback. I’d order it in hardcover, but I don’t think my poor little college budget can handle $45 🙁

The excerpt was nice, though.

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