It Happened to Me

Forgot to Get Schmutzed

Photo: Shrek billboard above a a church banner reading 'He Is Risen'.

Best. Sign placement. Ever.

I just read this in Deenster’s blog:

is it just me, or did every one seem to walk around with a bit of schmutz on their forehead?

Oh, crap. I knew I forgot to do something today.

(Note 1: Hey, Wendy! I didn’t have to look up “schmutz”!)

(Note 2: I wonder if Adina spent half her time in India going up to people and

saying: “Excuse me, I thought you should know that you have a bit of

pimento on your forehead.”)

I’ll bet this guy remembered:

Photo: Hairy dude wearing a speedo and a big honkin' crucifix medallion.

Get this man a waxing and some low-carb communion, stat!

2 replies on “Forgot to Get Schmutzed”

Oh gods, get him a pair of trousers and a shirt now! Before I vomit!

I bet his favourite chat up line is ‘Hey baby, wanna see the size of my co.. cross?’.

Very good Yiddish, sweetie. 🙂

Someday I’ll teach you the difference between putz and schmuck.

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