In the News It Happened to Me

Thank You!

Photo: Cover of the November 25, 2004 issue of 'eye' Magazine, featuring the 2004 Readers' Choice Awards.

eye Magazine is one of Toronto’s “alternative” weekly magazines.

Last Thursday afternoon, I was in a small town outside Boston, eating Thanksgiving hors d’oeuvres

at my future in-laws’ place. During that time, I noticed that I’d

received a phone message. I checked it later that evening and got a

rather excited voice mail from Meryle telling me that The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century had won “Best Local Blog” in eye Magazine’s 2004 Reader’s Choice Awards.

Photo: 'eye' magazine's 'Toronto's Best' 2004 logo.

I didn’t even know that they were taking nominations, so my thanks to eye Magazine and all of you who voted for me!

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