
Another Reason to Go to Catholic School (aside from the schoolgirls and high standards)

Back in the ’80s, when I was a high school student at De La Salle College “Oaklands”,

I got a great computer science education thanks to my teachers Messrs.

Clarkson and Etele, who taught Waterloo Structured Basic, Pascal, and

6502 Assembler on a well equipped lab of Commodore PETs, Apple ][s and ICONs.

(Yes, they taught evolution at “Del”, and said that the creation account in Genesis was poetic, not literal. Nobody’s parents screamed, as far as I recall.)

 In the present day, a Catholic School, St. Ignatius, is doing one

better: they’re teaching object-oriented programming by writing interactive fiction. I have more about it on The Farm.

4 replies on “Another Reason to Go to Catholic School (aside from the schoolgirls and high standards)”

I think it’s scandalous how Catholic schools make their female students dress just like porn stars.

My brother went to SI! Heck, I would’ve gone to SI if the uber-nerd public high school hadn’t accepted me.

Anyway, there’s a strict dress code (shirts must have collars, no sneakers), but no uniforms at SI. So, no porn fantasies while you are in Interactive Fiction, unless a smart polo shirt does it for you.

At the end of high school, I went out with a preppy from Long Island. So yeah, smart polo shirts do it for me.

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