
This must be the 21st century!

We may not have flying cars yet (although Montreal cabbies are pretty good at faking it), but I’ve recently seen gadgets that nobody would’ve recognized a mere five years ago…


The CIBC (for non-Canadians: it’s a bank) is promoting their new VISA card by sending out representatives to hand out flyers while scooting about on advertising-laden Segways. I suppose having them on Segways is a little more attention-getting that merely sending them out on foot…

Photo: CIBC representative on CIBC promotional Segway.

Unfortunately, the advertising hides her very nice pleather pants. The CIBC should take note of this, as I, like many red-blooded straight men, have been programmed to accept the orders of women in leather pants without question.


With even grade school students owning cell phones these days, public phone use has gone down considerably. At the same time, with the rise of mobile computing and wireless internet, more and more people are WiFi users. Bell Canada’s taken the smart approach and provided free WiFi access at many VIA rail stations across Canada, placing their WiFi access points in rugged, HAL 9000-esque containers in spaces where a pay phone would normally go.

Photo: Bell Canada Wifi access point at Union Station, Toronto.

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