
Another reason to love this city: the mysterious Hot Tub Truck

Last night, while wandering home from a very odd magazine launch party (more details later), Char and I were passed by the Hot Tub Truck.

It’s a modified flatbed truck outfitted with a hot tub large enough to accomodate eight people and a deck with rails that will allow another eight to stand about. I’ve seen it driving around my usual stomping grounds.

Last night, it was full of cute women, some of whom were standing on the deck wearing nothing but bubbles.

“Hi, Accordion Guy,” yelled one of them, whom I recognized, but can’t remember from where. “You’ll have to join us next time,” she said, and the truck drove off.

Memo to Hot Tub Truck Women: my email address is and I am always ready for hot tub action.

2 replies on “Another reason to love this city: the mysterious Hot Tub Truck”

Oh, this post makes me want to break out into song!

“Well, all the kids are all washed up and ready to go (they’re ready to go now)

They got their hot tubs and they’re trucking to the Discotheque-A-Go-Go

But he just couldn’t stay

He had to break away

Well, Toronto really has it all.. oh yeah, oh yeah!

Joey is a punk rocker!

Joey is a punk rocker!

Joey is… a punk rocker now!”

(From PapaScott, with apologies to the Ramones)

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