
Slightly flawed, but incredibly enthusiastic

…would be my own personal evaluation of the performance. Sk8r Boi is one that I can’t do “on autopilot”. It’s still a very new one for me, but why play if safe all the time? Anyhow, I misplaced one or two chords and flubbed a lyric, but all in all, it was a performance I’m proud of. I’m doing a writeup of what happened, and it’ll post the entry a little “l8r” tonight.

I forgot to set my VCR to tape the show, but it’s on again tonight at 11:00 p.m. Eastern. I’ll be watching it for the first time along with you. If you’re only interested in my segment, I’m on about 20 minutes in.

My thanks to everyone at MuchMusic and MuchOnDemand for having me on the show! Also, thanks to Diana, Helen, Debbie and Meryle for coming out to cheer me on!

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