
By the way, I’m all right

I’m busy today, so the entries are going to be a little light.

This one’s a quick note to the small handful of concerned people who’ve written in, asking if I’m all right, what with all the blog entries about hassles.

I’m cool. They’re really more amusing than anything else, and I’m not sliding into some kind of depression. Job opportunities abound, I’m getting into the best shape ever, my family’s doing well, the single ladies are out there and my accordion playing’s improving too.

In the grand scale of things, the hassles about which I’ve been writing are minor “First World” annoyances. Most of the world is occupied by guys with names like Chang, Gomez and Mobutu who’d love to have my problems instead of theirs.

Besides, they’re great inspiration for writing, aren’t they?

As Carrie “Princess Leia” Fisher notes in Postcards from the Edge (I’m paraphrasing): “Sure, you can give someone a perfect and carefree childhood, one without want or worry and free of the traumas that are part and parcel of growing up, but what kind of person usually results? Dan Quayle.”

(But thanks for writing anyways, guys!)

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